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Bellsouth FastAccess DSL

Guest AuNuma1

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Guest AuNuma1

Anyone in central to north Alabama use Bellsouth DSL? I might be switching to them and I was just wondering if anyone used it and what they think about it. TIA!

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I'm in North Atlanta and I have their service. I have been pleased with it so far. I do have the IFITL option, though. So I don't use a modem. IFITL is only available if your area has been re-fitted with fiber-optic only lines.

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Guest AuNuma1

I don't know if I would qualify for that or not but is it faster or something? I'm guessing it would be since you don't have copper between you and the switch, no? Does it cost you extra?

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I don't know if I would qualify for that or not but is it faster or something? I'm guessing it would be since you don't have copper between you and the switch, no? Does it cost you extra?

Go out to bellsouth.net or com and read about the difference. All signals have to go through copper somewhere. But the only advantage to IFITL is that you don't have a modem. You and several of your neighbors are on a mini LAN. So you will need a router or any of your neighbors could get into your computer. but the service is reliabel and fast. and it bills with your phone. If you get certain packages, the DSL is cheaper.

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I have it and enjoy the speed . If you are using a 56K modem now it will be like moving from a Ford tractor to a Porche. :D

But I am considering changing to cable access and droping my land line and only using a cell phone for calls. :rolleyes:

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Guest AuNuma1

Well, the speed is the only reason I'm considering the change. The price for the DSL is no different than the crappy cable I have now so the 1.5mb downstream with the DSL might be worth the trouble of switching ISP's...I hope.

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I have the BellSouth DSL Lite. I have had it for about 4 months now and I love it. It is supposedly not as fast as the regular DSL but I don't know. Seems fast enough for me!

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I have it North of Atlanta, I'm pretty happy with it. I now wish I'd gotten on with COMCAST on a cable hookup. It wasn't available at the time I signed up for DSL though. Too impatient, I guess.

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I live in Louisiana and have fast access DSL from Bellsouth. I had it ever since I had my new computer, and I will never again go to regular dial-up. It cost right around 27 dollars a month, but I think that is money well spent.

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When I was in B'ham in '99-'00 I used it and I was pleased. It had a very steady connection and the speed was about 1.3Mbps. I'd use it again.

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Guest AuNuma1

Has anyone tried to share their connection using a DSL/Cable router? I had it working fine with cable but I just hooked my DSL up but I can't seem to configure the router now. It asks me for a host name and a domain name. Is this why Bellsouth charges for a "Home Networking" package so they can get more money out of you? <_<

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Has anyone tried to share their connection using a DSL/Cable router? I had it working fine with cable but I just hooked my DSL up but I can't seem to configure the router now. It asks me for a host name and a domain name. Is this why Bellsouth charges for a "Home Networking" package so they can get more money out of you? <_<

Numa, why did you switch from cable to DSL?? What factors made you decide to switch? Was DSL cheaper for you?

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Has anyone tried to share their connection using a DSL/Cable router? I had it working fine with cable but I just hooked my DSL up but I can't seem to configure the router now. It asks me for a host name and a domain name. Is this why Bellsouth charges for a "Home Networking" package so they can get more money out of you? <_<

Find your model of router and go out on the net and lookup how to install it. It is a little aggravating to get it working but eventually you'll get it. I just had to keep following the setup procedure and eventually it worked.

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that's right...you need to look at the info that came w/ your router, and it should give you the name & password you'll have to use.

mine was very complicated...something like, "admin" and "password".

i guess i need to go change it now *sigh*.


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Yes....I hate it...immensly. Have had multiple problems with it...goes off on me....my roomates get internet access half the day....Bellsouth is clueless

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Guest AuNuma1
Numa, why did you switch from cable to DSL?? What factors made you decide to switch? Was DSL cheaper for you?

The cable service I had was terrible. Because I live in apartments, they contracted out their own cable internet service to a company called MediaWorks and it was just awful.

So I'm paying the same price for faster internet service, plus I get three months free just switching over to Bellsouth.

Re my router problem, it sounds like it has more to do with the modem that I was given than it does my router. I followed this FAQ I found but it still doesn't work. I have to change the modem settings, which then makes me change router settings but no cigar. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

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Wierd, I've got a westell modem and linksys wireless router, but don't log on to the network using the modem. I let the router login to the network, and the modem acts more like, well, a modem. Can you configure yours similarly??

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Guest AuNuma1

Yeah, Sto, I think that tutorial shows you how to do that but my when I get to the part where I have to click the "Connect" button on the status page of my router, it says it can't connect to the PPPoE server.

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I'm using PPPoE as well, sounds like your modem is playing games with you. I don't have an option to configure my modem to log in so I am not sure. Mine came with PPPoE software from WINPoet. I chucked that stuff in the trash. Basically you need a setup for the modem which disables all login info, then get the router to handle that part. Must be more difficult than it sounds......

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If you're in the B'ham area, check out SpeedFactory.net. They're a small shop, just serving Atlanta and Birmingham but I get great service through those guys.

When you sign up, you don't get a modem, instead you get a router or a gateway (depending on whether you want a static ip or not) which you can connect directly to your network card or personal router/hub. With the static ip option, you are allowed to run your own web server, ftp server, mail server, etc.

They are Bellsouth "partner" - which means they can give dsl service to anyone that can receive Bellsouth's dsl. That was good for me because my phone line is on a remote terminal, which Bellsouth is not required to share with other companies. So other dsl providers - Earthlink, etc - couldn't provide me with service.

The BIG difference is that they don't use PPPoE (PPPoE sucks imo), you're connected directly to their network. So that makes them a little bit faster (maybe not noticeably). And it takes a failing point (PPPoE) out of the mix.

Their service is excellent. I've never waited over 3 minutes on hold, and everyone I've spoken to is technically competent - even the sales guys. Not sure about the B'ham office though.

They cost more to start up, you'd probably have to pay an initial fee for the router/gateway (50-150$, not sure) and the non-static ip option is $50/month. A static ip is only 10 more a month. The $50 price tag seems more than Bellsouth's 45 a month, but their price is just that, no taxes, connection fees or whatever. After the other fees Bellsouth hits you with, it actually works out to be about the same price per month.

And, reliability is better than when I had Bellsouth. I've had several providers, including cable (Media1/AttBI) (which was terrible), Bellsouth and DirecTVDSL (which ended service last year) and SpeedFactory has been the best.

All this is not to say Bellsouth is a bad isp. Their customer service is not good, but they're fairly reliable and the billing is easy.

If you do want to check them out, PM me and I'll give you some more info - plus I'd probably get some kind of referral B)

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Guest AuNuma1

I got my router working afterall...I updated the modem's firmware and that seemed to do the trick. Bellsouth DSL still isn't faster than Charter Pipeline but it's better than what I had...although I have heard that Bellsouth might be doing some upgrades sometime this year (yeah right).

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I got my router working afterall...I updated the modem's firmware and that seemed to do the trick. Bellsouth DSL still isn't faster than Charter Pipeline but it's better than what I had...although I have heard that Bellsouth might be doing some upgrades sometime this year (yeah right).

Is it ok now for you to view sig pics?!?

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I think I'm about to make the leap to Bellsouth DSL Lite. Can't beat the cost for the speed improvement, freeing up the phone line, and the constant connection (no waiting to dial up).

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Guest AuNuma1
I got my router working afterall...I updated the modem's firmware and that seemed to do the trick.  Bellsouth DSL still isn't faster than Charter Pipeline but it's better than what I had...although I have heard that Bellsouth might be doing some upgrades sometime this year (yeah right).

Is it ok now for you to view sig pics?!?

I've always had that "pleasure"...what are you talking about?

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Guest AuNuma1
I think I'm about to make the leap to Bellsouth DSL Lite.  Can't beat the cost for the speed improvement, freeing up the phone line, and the constant connection (no waiting to dial up).

Have you read all the fine print about DSL lite? If you aren't signed up for "Bellsouth Everything", it's going to cost you $40/month. Is a 256k connection worth $40/month? :ph34r:

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