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Harsin Zoom Presser 8/25


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5 minutes ago, toddc said:

If you don’t understand how three days of relentless vilification of a good man, and coach of Auburn football, without a shred of verifiable evidence is ridiculous then I don’t know what to say to you.

Not interested in regurgitating the same argument here. My point was I don't see anything from today's presser that renders the prior concerns "silly." Thought maybe you would tell me what you saw, but I guess not. 

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1 minute ago, cbo said:

Not interested in regurgitating the same argument here. My point was I don't see anything from today's presser that renders the prior concerns "silly." Thought maybe you would tell me what you saw, but I guess not. 

He didn’t understand the carefully crafted statement.

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Get your mind set on Akron . Glad the transfers on defense are going to make an impact this year. Our defense is going to be nasty. Only one poster has proven to be silly on this thread. Get better CBH. WDE.

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I like it. I’m as excited for college football as I have ever been. I know I have my expectations too high, but I think we have the caliber of coach to win and win consistently. I’m not sure he really understood the eyes that would be on him as the coach at Auburn. I know he understood this is a huge job and big time football but I would bet he still is surprised from time to time just how under the microscope everything he does or says is.

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1 hour ago, Maverick.AU said:


That's kinda s***ty.  Glad he changed his first impression

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13 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

That's kinda s***ty.  Glad he changed his first impression

Yup. Seems very stupid for a coach to have any questions about Wooten's commitment. That's the type of crap that stupid people on message boards say. Glad he changed his opinion but it should never have even been in Harsin's mind, IMO.

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Better tone on vaccinations.  Wish he was more vocal before this.  Def seemed to have changed his pros & cons vs data driven fact driven answer.  Kinda surprised no one asked him if he was vaccinated.

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2 minutes ago, tgrogan21 said:

Yup. Seems very stupid for a coach to have any questions about Wooten's commitment. That's the type of crap that stupid people on message boards say. Glad he changed his opinion but it should never have even been in Harsin's mind, IMO.

You wouldn't have questions prior to talking to someone you dont know?

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4 minutes ago, tgrogan21 said:

Yup. Seems very stupid for a coach to have any questions about Wooten's commitment. That's the type of crap that stupid people on message boards say. Glad he changed his opinion but it should never have even been in Harsin's mind, IMO.

I'm almost positive he sat out b/c he had a baby and worried about his child's health.  

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Just now, W.E.D said:

Better tone on vaccinations.  Wish he was more vocal before this.  Def seemed to have changed his pros & cons vs data driven fact driven answer.  Kinda surprised no one asked him if he was vaccinated.

The timeline for his return kind of answers that w/o having to ask it

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1 minute ago, W.E.D said:

I'm almost positive he sat out b/c he had a baby and worried about his child's health.  

I believe you are correct, but until you sit down with someone and talk about it, how would one know, right?

Edited by Timbeaux38
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2 minutes ago, Timbeaux38 said:

You wouldn't have questions prior to talking to someone you dont know?

Nope, not one question when we're in the middle of a public health crisis. Also, it doesn't take much of a search to figure out why he opted out.

Edited by tgrogan21
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Just now, Timbeaux38 said:

You wouldn't have questions prior to talking to someone you dont know?

Maybe it came off wrong, just it sounded like he's questioning his commitment.  There shouldn't be any questions why someone opted out during a global pandemic

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Actually I take that back, it didn't come off wrong.  He literally said "I'm questioning his commitment"

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I'm shocked he didn't know the covid %.  Feel like he'd tell us if it was actually good.  Probably in that 50-60% range.

Kinda wild we still don't have a solid starting 5 yet.  From all excuses they need more time to work together, hopefully that comes together soon. 

Good to hear Fair has being working hard, he probably had a real low floor but a a high ceiling if he put in work.  Big part of our front 7.

Interesting he only singled out Kaufman as the starter.  Was there more?


I really don't want to focus on covid that much more unless it continues to effect our team (probably will)

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3 minutes ago, tgrogan21 said:

Nope, not one question when we're in the middle of a public health crisis. Also, it doesn't take much of a search to figure out why he opted out.


3 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

Maybe it came off wrong, just it sounded like he's questioning his commitment.  There shouldn't be any questions why someone opted out during a global pandemic

It would be naive to go into a situation believing everything at face value without getting to know someone first. It takes time to build trust which is why our recruiting has looked like it has.

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2 minutes ago, CleCoTiger said:

How hard is it to just come out and say "As head coach I set the example. I am vaccinated and I encourage every player on our team who is not yet vaccinated to get vaccinated as soon as possible"? Is that asking too much? How about this then: "I am vaccinated."

Kinda agree.  I'm actually pretty surprised not a single beat writer asked him if was vaccinated. He said some right things, but still odd he didn't say his own status.  It's clear he's not or he'd have said it was a break through case...I'd have to imagine

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1 minute ago, AU80cruiser said:


It would be naive to go into a situation believing everything at face value without getting to know someone first. It takes time to build trust which is why our recruiting has looked like it has.

He didn't go out publicly and question Wooten.  Like most people when you come into a new situation and you have limited data you draw conclusions from the data you have, there is nothing wrong with drawing a wrong personal opinion with limited data. It would be a problem only if upon talking to Wooten and getting to know the reasons and the man that he was to stubborn to change his mind. Everybody on this board has at one time or another come up with an opinion with limited data and then changed that opinion once you got more data. If anybody says their 1st opinion is always right that is the person I would not want to be my coach.

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4 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

He came in knowing Wooten had opted out of his own volition so he had an opinion and he was honest about it, instead of doing the usual Coach speak tap dance. He kept an open mind and after talking with Wooten he realized his initial opinion was wrong and he was impressed by Wooten. To me it is refreshing no coach speak trying to hide his initial opinion and man enough to realize he was wrong. 


3 minutes ago, AU80cruiser said:


It would be naive to go into a situation believing everything at face value without getting to know someone first. It takes time to build trust which is why our recruiting has looked like it has.

Good on Harsin for being open enough to change his mind but I don't think he should have even had those questions in the beginning. It takes 5 seconds to google the reason for Wooten to opt out and find an article that has his twitter post with his message to the Auburn family. Him coming out and saying "I'm questioning his commitment" is just another dumb thing Harsin has done when it comes to the pandemic. A young man who is about to be a father can't even take a year off because he's scared for his health and the health of his family without being questioned about his commitment from his new coach. That's messed up.

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3 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

He didn't go out publicly and question Wooten.  Like most people when you come into a new situation and you have limited data you draw conclusions from the data you have, there is nothing wrong with drawing a wrong personal opinion with limited data. It would be a problem only if upon talking to Wooten and getting to know the reasons and the man that he was to stubborn to change his mind. Everybody on this board has at one time or another come up with an opinion with limited data and then changed that opinion once you got more data. If anybody says their 1st opinion is always right that is the person I would not want to be my coach.

This is what I'm saying but maybe came off I meant something else.

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1 minute ago, tgrogan21 said:


Good on Harsin for being open enough to change his mind but I don't think he should have even had those questions in the beginning. It takes 5 seconds to google the reason for Wooten to opt out and find an article that has his twitter post with his message to the Auburn family. Him coming out and saying "I'm questioning his commitment" is just another dumb thing Harsin has done when it comes to the pandemic. A young man who is about to be a father can't even take a year off because he's scared for his health and the health of his family without being questioned about his commitment from his new coach. That's messed up.

Have you met 18-22 year olds and how fickle they can be? Guy can put whatever he wants on twitter and make himself look like a saint. Until the guy who’s job is on the line learns to trust him it doesnt matter. Coach had every right to question why he opted out. Wooten had every right to opt out. He did it for a good reason and he came back. Questioning someones motives or committment or whatever doesnt mean you think the person isnt worthy. Grow up

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