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Trump’s third term


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6 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Guess it won’t be long before the Trumplicans here are parroting this, too:



Ha!!! I remember when something similar was going around about Obama's third term and the righties were having a fit! I hope that is a joke tweet.

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16 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Guess it won’t be long before the Trumplicans here are parroting this, too:

Well he makes a valid point Brother Tex. Think he said Sunday that he will not pursue a third term regardless.

Mr Trump hinted at doing so in August when he suggested the FBI has "stolen time" from him due to the bureau's probe into links between the Trump campaign and Russia.

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2 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Well he makes a valid point Brother Tex. Think he said Sunday that he will not pursue a third term regardless.

Mr Trump hinted at doing so in August when he suggested the FBI has "stolen time" from him due to the bureau's probe into links between the Trump campaign and Russia.

You think that’s valid ?

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8 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

I suppose you think Mike was just teasing us? 

God, I hope he was teasing us.  Otherwise he's an abject moron.  Or just a liar parading around in Christian garb.  Liar is the more likely pick.

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Most liberals have no sense of humor and would not know sarcasm if it bit them in the ass...which is why they jump to some of the most ridiculous interpretations of opposition comments. ….and you can count on our two mods for this section of the forum to lead the way.... :no:   

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34 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

"hey  Russia, If you have Hillary's emails please.............." 

   I think this is the most hilarious thing about it all.....the fact that so many hung on to this as some sorta serious big deal. It was like mass gullibility! You would think by now, most should feel somewhat embarrassed for it....I mean after all, trump wasn't even elected, had no power to work out arrangements for anything close to such a scale...yet still to this day.....this has legitimacy to way, way to many really smart people.  I feel like people are sacrificing their intelligence for their politics.

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Actually, the more you think about it....roughly half the population thinks the other half is racist, homophobic, anti climate, declaring war on women, race, genders...lots of other etc......the other half? Lol....they see lots of way way overthinking, and are vilified for that...

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Was Mitch "just kidding"?

As McConnell said:

Everything I do during this, I’m coordinating with the White House counsel. There will be no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this.

McConnell also said:

We’ll be working through this process ... in total coordination with the White House counsel’s office and the people representing the president in the well of the Senate.
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41 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Was Mitch "just kidding"?

As McConnell said:

Everything I do during this, I’m coordinating with the White House counsel. There will be no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this.

McConnell also said:

We’ll be working through this process ... in total coordination with the White House counsel’s office and the people representing the president in the well of the Senate.

When your evidence for impeachment is sh$#, what did you expect him to say? 

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Was Mitch "just kidding"?

As McConnell said:

Everything I do during this, I’m coordinating with the White House counsel. There will be no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this.

McConnell also said:

We’ll be working through this process ... in total coordination with the White House counsel’s office and the people representing the president in the well of the Senate.

If McConnell said that then he is not planning to do a proper impeachment. Can the House impeach him for that?

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so let me get this right. trump is scummy enough to steal money from charities including the va that a federal judge banned him from ever starting a charity again. ever. or how about all the kids he bilked at trump u? too bad the fine he paid was not more than he made from that scam. yep. we let him keep just about all the profits. he lies about stuff every single day. and he never misses a day. oh but wait he is just kidding. right trumpers? he bullies children because he does not like their stance on climate change? and the same time his wife is pushing an end to bullying. i read fairly regular where someone has taken their life because of bullying.and yet his side gives him a pass. and of course every single woman who ever brought up sexual assault charges are lying through their teeth right? and of course folks give trump a pass on cheating on his wife with porn stars. hell i remember when the right forced john edwards out of politics for the very same thing. but hey trump did it more than once since we never talk about the playboy bunny. but it is ok for the president right? and there are more payoffs that should come to light if that weekly rag really did pay off women for trump and lock up damning docs so trump is not busted out even more. believe him or not rannon farrow makes a very compelling case against trump. now lets add trump praising every single dirtbag dictator who murder people for breakfast while tinkling on our true allies. but to me one of the worst things he has done is pretend to be a christian. if trump is a christian i am the virgin mary. and i am not a virgin and my name is not mary. but he sure has a ton of folks buffaloed. and of course many of you trumpers think he was not blackmailing a country in a time of war for dirt on a political rival. and not only was there one whistle blower there was two. and yet you guys think the whistle blowers were either dems or mistaken. oh yes the top cat for the IG is lying as well. sorry guys that is not the way the military works. and speaking of military trump pardons a war criminal or was it two? way to give our enemies more reason to mistreat any of our troop taken as pow's. and how about all of you guys wanting to hang obama fo rbailing out that car company and yet seem untroubled that trump is paying out 32 billion to our farmers who lost their ass and some their farms over trumps trade wars. here is my point. some of you will actually agree trump is guilty of some pretty sad stuff but then believe him when he is caught redhanded. it blows my mind. even when he might try to do good by bringing home troops he screwed the pooch and caused a whole bunch of is terrorists freedom to continue their war of hatred against america. many of you give him a pass but how many of you raised hell when eric holder gave guns to cartel members in the hopes he could catch more drug dealers. trump is garbage,period. so when many of you deflect or lie or denie in my own personal view you are enablers. and if you are enabling him in my eyes you have to share that guilt.

and now turtle boy is going to violate his solemn oath by working with the white house and fox news and not one single repub has a problem with it. or afraid to admit they have a problem. because the bottom line is not what is right or wrong but who is winning and who is losing. and thats when america loses. again, this should not even be a left or right issue but what is right and what is wrong. so bring on the name calling and and deflections because in my heart i know i am right.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

so let me get this right. trump is scummy enough to steal money from charities including the va that a federal judge banned him from ever starting a charity again. ever. or how about all the kids he bilked at trump u? too bad the fine he paid was not more than he made from that scam. yep. we let him keep just about all the profits. he lies about stuff every single day. and he never misses a day. oh but wait he is just kidding. right trumpers? he bullies children because he does not like their stance on climate change? and the same time his wife is pushing an end to bullying. i read fairly regular where someone has taken their life because of bullying.and yet his side gives him a pass. and of course every single woman who ever brought up sexual assault charges are lying through their teeth right? and of course folks give trump a pass on cheating on his wife with porn stars. hell i remember when the right forced john edwards out of politics for the very same thing. but hey trump did it more than once since we never talk about the playboy bunny. but it is ok for the president right? and there are more payoffs that should come to light if that weekly rag really did pay off women for trump and lock up damning docs so trump is not busted out even more. believe him or not rannon farrow makes a very compelling case against trump. now lets add trump praising every single dirtbag dictator who murder people for breakfast while tinkling on our true allies. but to me one of the worst things he has done is pretend to be a christian. if trump is a christian i am the virgin mary. and i am not a virgin and my name is not mary. but he sure has a ton of folks buffaloed. and of course many of you trumpers think he was not blackmailing a country in a time of war for dirt on a political rival. and not only was there one whistle blower there was two. and yet you guys think the whistle blowers were either dems or mistaken. oh yes the top cat for the IG is lying as well. sorry guys that is not the way the military works. and speaking of military trump pardons a war criminal or was it two? way to give our enemies more reason to mistreat any of our troop taken as pow's. and how about all of you guys wanting to hang obama fo rbailing out that car company and yet seem untroubled that trump is paying out 32 billion to our farmers who lost their ass and some their farms over trumps trade wars. here is my point. some of you will actually agree trump is guilty of some pretty sad stuff but then believe him when he is caught redhanded. it blows my mind. even when he might try to do good by bringing home troops he screwed the pooch and caused a whole bunch of is terrorists freedom to continue their war of hatred against america. many of you give him a pass but how many of you raised hell when eric holder gave guns to cartel members in the hopes he could catch more drug dealers. trump is garbage,period. so when many of you deflect or lie or denie in my own personal view you are enablers. and if you are enabling him in my eyes you have to share that guilt.

and now turtle boy is going to violate his solemn oath by working with the white house and fox news and not one single repub has a problem with it. or afraid to admit they have a problem. because the bottom line is not what is right or wrong but who is winning and who is losing. and thats when america loses. again, this should not even be a left or right issue but what is right and what is wrong. so bring on the name calling and and deflections because in my heart i know i am right.

There are at least two different issues here. Not many (if any) people here will disagree with you that Trump is an extremely flawed individual who has done, and continues to do many reprehensible things. Virtually no one here is happy about Trump doing those things. That doesn't mean that Trump has committed an impeachable offense. And quite frankly, as horrible as it feels to say it, it doesn't matter if he did because the senate isn't going to remove him from office unless there are some MUCH bigger skeletons coming.

Regarding the OP, I still think Huckabee was joking. I hope so!

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

so let me get this right. trump is scummy enough to steal money from charities including the va that a federal judge banned him from ever starting a charity again. ever. or how about all the kids he bilked at trump u? too bad the fine he paid was not more than he made from that scam. yep. we let him keep just about all the profits. he lies about stuff every single day. and he never misses a day. oh but wait he is just kidding. right trumpers? he bullies children because he does not like their stance on climate change? and the same time his wife is pushing an end to bullying. i read fairly regular where someone has taken their life because of bullying.and yet his side gives him a pass. and of course every single woman who ever brought up sexual assault charges are lying through their teeth right? and of course folks give trump a pass on cheating on his wife with porn stars. hell i remember when the right forced john edwards out of politics for the very same thing. but hey trump did it more than once since we never talk about the playboy bunny. but it is ok for the president right? and there are more payoffs that should come to light if that weekly rag really did pay off women for trump and lock up damning docs so trump is not busted out even more. believe him or not rannon farrow makes a very compelling case against trump. now lets add trump praising every single dirtbag dictator who murder people for breakfast while tinkling on our true allies. but to me one of the worst things he has done is pretend to be a christian. if trump is a christian i am the virgin mary. and i am not a virgin and my name is not mary. but he sure has a ton of folks buffaloed. and of course many of you trumpers think he was not blackmailing a country in a time of war for dirt on a political rival. and not only was there one whistle blower there was two. and yet you guys think the whistle blowers were either dems or mistaken. oh yes the top cat for the IG is lying as well. sorry guys that is not the way the military works. and speaking of military trump pardons a war criminal or was it two? way to give our enemies more reason to mistreat any of our troop taken as pow's. and how about all of you guys wanting to hang obama fo rbailing out that car company and yet seem untroubled that trump is paying out 32 billion to our farmers who lost their ass and some their farms over trumps trade wars. here is my point. some of you will actually agree trump is guilty of some pretty sad stuff but then believe him when he is caught redhanded. it blows my mind. even when he might try to do good by bringing home troops he screwed the pooch and caused a whole bunch of is terrorists freedom to continue their war of hatred against america. many of you give him a pass but how many of you raised hell when eric holder gave guns to cartel members in the hopes he could catch more drug dealers. trump is garbage,period. so when many of you deflect or lie or denie in my own personal view you are enablers. and if you are enabling him in my eyes you have to share that guilt.

and now turtle boy is going to violate his solemn oath by working with the white house and fox news and not one single repub has a problem with it. or afraid to admit they have a problem. because the bottom line is not what is right or wrong but who is winning and who is losing. and thats when america loses. again, this should not even be a left or right issue but what is right and what is wrong. so bring on the name calling and and deflections because in my heart i know i am right.

So Fidy, do you think he should be eligible for a 3rd term?

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2 minutes ago, Grumps said:

There are at least two different issues here. Not many (if any) people here will disagree with you that Trump is an extremely flawed individual who has done, and continues to do many reprehensible things. Virtually no one here is happy about Trump doing those things. That doesn't mean that Trump has committed an impeachable offense. And quite frankly, as horrible as it feels to say it, it doesn't matter if he did because the senate isn't going to remove him from office unless there are some MUCH bigger skeletons coming.

Regarding the OP, I still think Huckabee was joking. I hope so!

grumps i wish you would be a speaker at my funeral. i need you bad lol. to call trump flawed is more than generous. the only things you guys appear to admit to is the things that cannot be refuted like his tweets or running his mouth but when it comes to more serious matters you would seem to give him a pass. christians do not take the name of god at public rallies which he is till doing or attack 16  year old girls who only want to try and make the world a better place. the man stole from a VA charity for goodness sake. that is fact. but oh no he would never try to win an election by breaking the law. i just do not know how much plainer i can be. to me it is one or two things or both. i know a ton of white folks that are scared you know whatless of folks of color getting into office. or somehow the right has been brainwashed into thinking trump is a less evil than libs. i would love to be wrong but i just do not see how. every single reputable source in this country has already informed us that russia has a huge campaign of misinformation out there and sadly people believe it. notice the repubs have all com out saying ukraine is the one interfering in the election instead of russia which is a complete lie. does tha make any sense grumps?

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10 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

So Fidy, do you think he should be eligible for a 3rd term?

go ahead and take a wild guess there for me salty................do you?

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4 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

do you?

Well fidy, granted he may not be the best man but to date he appears to be the best man for the job. 2024 is a long time away.

President Donald Trump tweeted an idea Sunday that his supporters might not want him to leave office after two terms, should he win reelection in 2020, and that they might "demand" he stick around for a third term as president.

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10 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Well fidy, granted he may not be the best man but to date he appears to be the best man for the job. 2024 is a long time away.

President Donald Trump tweeted an idea Sunday that his supporters might not want him to leave office after two terms, should he win reelection in 2020, and that they might "demand" he stick around for a third term as president.

i do not kid myself about trump. and all you people do is enable his bad behavior. i am sure that makes you proud.

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On 12/16/2019 at 4:00 PM, aubiefifty said:

grumps i wish you would be a speaker at my funeral. i need you bad lol. to call trump flawed is more than generous. the only things you guys appear to admit to is the things that cannot be refuted like his tweets or running his mouth but when it comes to more serious matters you would seem to give him a pass. christians do not take the name of god at public rallies which he is till doing or attack 16  year old girls who only want to try and make the world a better place. the man stole from a VA charity for goodness sake. that is fact. but oh no he would never try to win an election by breaking the law. i just do not know how much plainer i can be. to me it is one or two things or both. i know a ton of white folks that are scared you know whatless of folks of color getting into office. or somehow the right has been brainwashed into thinking trump is a less evil than libs. i would love to be wrong but i just do not see how. every single reputable source in this country has already informed us that russia has a huge campaign of misinformation out there and sadly people believe it. notice the repubs have all com out saying ukraine is the one interfering in the election instead of russia which is a complete lie. does tha make any sense grumps?

Not no, but hell no. No offense.

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