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My Thoughts From the Stadium (Georgia)


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Good morning all,

I hope everyone has had the chance to recover physically and emotionally from Saturday and are able to be productive today at work.  It is hard to believe this season is almost over.  Time flies I suppose.  With Thanksgiving around the corner I know everyone has a busy week ahead of themselves so let's dive in shall we?

Atmosphere:  This was well worth noting.  The vibe in the stadium this time around was noticeably different.  From the get-go, fans were in the stadium early and were loud.  When our players took the field we cheered and when their players took the field we booed.  We were loud almost every defensive snap.  Many stood up on almost every defensive possession.  That has yet to happen this year until Saturday.   It honestly felt like one big party.  A huge reason for that feeling was the video and audio staff...

Video/Audio Staff:  I do not believe I have ever made a specific point to talk about this crew.  I will today however.  I was extremely impressed with the job they did.  By far, the best they have ever done in any game I have ever been to.  Almost every defensive snap Auburn showed a small defensive hype video on the board that just got everyone riled up.  Every other game it has been just the 3rd downs.  Most of them we UGA clips too.  Every song was just about perfect as well getting everyone hyped, and keeping us that way.  There was a glitch in one of the pre-game hype videos but they are definitely forgiven.  At halftime they even brought back the Takeo Spikes "Tick Tock" hype video.  By far the best moment was when Georgia tried to play their fight song during warm-ups.  When they did Auburn played a song over them.  This made their band play louder to be heard so Auburn turned up the music.  It was funny because Georgia just was not going to win that battled against our custom JBL sound system.  They just weren't.  That just made me so happy.

Photographer:  This is all worth mentioning that I/we continue to keep the Georgia student photographer in our prayers.  That was a scary injury and to see an unconscious woman laying on the ground for that long really shakes you up.  The stadium was dead silent.  I am glad to see she will be just fine.  Scary situation.

Officiating:  I will defer to those that watched on television the bad calls but in the stadium there seemed to be plenty.  Our video staff did a great job of pointing this out on the video board and freezing the clip making sure the referees saw this.  It was just appalling in the second half and reminded me of the LSU game last year.  They just did not want Auburn to win.  One or two bad calls I can live with and give the benefit of the doubt, but nothing went our way.  Nothing.

Bo Nix:  I have been thoroughly impressed with Bo.  This game he really did not look like a freshmen.  Bo did not panic in the pocket when facing pressure and the only sacks he took were when the blitz came so fast there was no time to safely throw the ball away.  Saturday he had a 60% accuracy with some balls dropped in there as well.  He knew when to run, and those drives in the second half looked like he was calling the plays.  He looked like a veteran out there.  It will be fun to watch Bo in the Iron Bowl.

Anders Carlson:  I am no where near ready to throw in the towel on him.  I do think we have put too much pressure on him with who his brother is and our expectation to have amazing kickers every single year.  I also recognize that his typical snapper and holder were different again this game.  I also wonder if his major in aviation is taking away too much of his time as well.  I know you have to fly all of the time in that major.  I have no idea, maybe someone else on here can speak to the time demands of such major.

Outcome:  I will not lie, this outcome really hurt.  It really did.  And we were just one play away, one dropped pass to a wide-open man from a big gain that would have kept our drive alive.  I wish in the first half we just kept throwing it like we did in the second half.  I also recognize that many on here are saying we only got yards because Georgia was in prevent defense.  I do not find that be be true because we still riddled off big plays of of that type of defense built to stop those.  In our last drive they should have come out of it and we were still having great success.  This game definitely stung, but we still have two games left to enjoy.

Gus Malzahn:  Almost everyone on here are not on good terms with Gus.  I understand that.  I was also disappointed in the loss.  I am still siding with the man however.  Before you jump on me here is the reason why as I have said this before and posters seem to glaze over my reasoning.  As long as our players support and fight for him, I will.  Our players never once have given up on Gus.  It would have been easy to give up when we were down 21-0.  But they fought back into the game.  I did the same with Tubberville and Chizik.  If we do get a new coach, I will do the same with him as well.

Auburn:  You know, there is just so much more to Auburn than a win or loss.  Auburn is not a football school, or basketball school.  What makes Auburn so great are the people that enjoy wearing the AU.  Our little college town attracts a certain type of people.  One that does not mind having to fight for everything and I would not have it any other way.  This is why we all have such a great bond, and are a family.  We all look out for each other.  We all enjoy yelling "WAR EAGLE" no matter where we are in the world.  And when someone says that to you, you can't help but smile.  Auburn's football is a byproduct of this amazing place.  A loss will never affect my love for Auburn.  Auburn men and women are what make Auburn special, not a sports program.  Auburn is where I will be buried.  Auburn is where I hope to see my future kids graduate from.  Auburn is my home.


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I was just texting with my friend about what a good job the media team did this week. I forgot about the “customized” defensive videos. Those were great. 

I LOVED LOVED LOVED how they slowed down the plays where crappy calls were made.

Our three loses have been rough, although I had more grace for Nix with Florida. I also thought Bo looked better even though I’m still salty about my guy, Gatewood. 

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Regarding Anders - the TV commentators mentioned that we were having to line up the holder an additional yard back (8 yards instead of 7) because of the amount of pressure we're getting up the middle on kicks.  Looks like our ST line has caught the OLine virus.

Regarding UGA's prevent defense - we had most of our success when they switched to zone in the 4th.  We struggled when they went back to man...but it as still a doable task.  Just too much to overcome, unfortunate officiating on 3 critical plays, a poor throw at the wrong time, and Seth couldn't wrap up that catch on 3rd down over the middle on our last drive.

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3 hours ago, abw0004 said:

Gus Malzahn:  Almost everyone on here are not on good terms with Gus.  I understand that.  I was also disappointed in the loss.  I am still siding with the man however.  Before you jump on me here is the reason why as I have said this before and posters seem to glaze over my reasoning.  As long as our players support and fight for him, I will.  Our players never once have given up on Gus.  It would have been easy to give up when we were down 21-0.  But they fought back into the game.  I did the same with Tubberville and Chizik.  If we do get a new coach, I will do the same with him as well.

I applaud you for saying this and I am in agreement with you.  Yes there were some plays that didn't work due to scheme.  Yes there was some plays\calls that I am sure Gus would want back.  But I am also certain there are plays that the players wish they had back as well.  Gus didn't miss the field goal.  Gus didn't fumble the ball.  Gus didn't have a bad throw on 4th down.  Gus didn't give up a blown coverage TD.  Not blaming any one player just like not blaming the coach.  The team lost this game.  So @abw0004 Thanks as always for your updates from the stadium and I got your back.  As for the other 95% of the board...

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9 minutes ago, LKEEL75 said:

I applaud you for saying this and I am in agreement with you.  Yes there were some plays that didn't work due to scheme.  Yes there was some plays\calls that I am sure Gus would want back.  But I am also certain there are plays that the players wish they had back as well.  Gus didn't miss the field goal.  Gus didn't fumble the ball.  Gus didn't have a bad throw on 4th down.  Gus didn't give up a blown coverage TD.  Not blaming any one player just like not blaming the coach.  The team lost this game.  So @abw0004 Thanks as always for your updates from the stadium and I got your back.  As for the other 95% of the board...

Image result for fantastic 4 flame on gif


Yes to all, but Gus did call that time out when UGA had the ball at the end of the 2nd QTR.  That allowed UGA to regroup and score, what turned out to be, the winning score.  Otherwise, we might have seen an overtime game.  So, yes, Gus did not make those mistakes, but he made plenty.

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One of the funny things the video team did was to include an old AU vs. UGA TV clip where an AU back ran over Kirby Smart.   I think Jim Fyffe was the announcer and during the clip Jim says something like "he just ran over Kirby Smart .  . ."  One was before the game, where they had a video history of great Auburn plays and moments against UGA.  The second was where the fans got to vote for one of three plays. 

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Just now, I_M4_AU said:

Yes to all, but Gus did call that time out when UGA had the ball at the end of the 2nd QTR.  That allowed UGA to regroup and score, what turned out to be, the winning score.  Otherwise, we might have seen an overtime game.  So, yes, Gus did not make those mistakes, but he made plenty.

I never said he didn't make mistakes.  I said that he did make mistakes just as the players made mistakes.  I said there were plays\calls that I am sure he would do something different.  Which is also the case for the players.  

As for the timeout, I don't fault him there.  The D had just given up a big first down.  There was on opportunity for our D to still get a 3 and out and we could possibly get the ball back.  It was an aggressive call but not necessarily the wrong call.  No it didn't work out, but that doesn't mean it was the wrong call.  It means our D didn't do their job to after it.

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Carlson is 8-8 on FGs Of 39 yds or less and 4-10 on FGs of 40+ yds. Maybe its time to quit running him out there to attempt FGs hes obviously struggling with?

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2 minutes ago, LKEEL75 said:

I never said he didn't make mistakes.  I said that he did make mistakes just as the players made mistakes.  I said there were plays\calls that I am sure he would do something different.  Which is also the case for the players.  

As for the timeout, I don't fault him there.  The D had just given up a big first down.  There was on opportunity for our D to still get a 3 and out and we could possibly get the ball back.  It was an aggressive call but not necessarily the wrong call.  No it didn't work out, but that doesn't mean it was the wrong call.  It means our D didn't do their job to after it.

I was just giving a balance view as I don’t like blaming the players as much as Gus (not accusing you).  As for the timeout, what was Gus going to do if the D stopped them?  He was shut out in the first half.  Some how he had in his head a way to score that he didn’t think of in the first 28 minutes.  It was a Gussed up move.

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7 minutes ago, LKEEL75 said:

I applaud you for saying this and I am in agreement with you.  Yes there were some plays that didn't work due to scheme.  Yes there was some plays\calls that I am sure Gus would want back.  But I am also certain there are plays that the players wish they had back as well.  Gus didn't miss the field goal.  Gus didn't fumble the ball.  Gus didn't have a bad throw on 4th down.  Gus didn't give up a blown coverage TD.  Not blaming any one player just like not blaming the coach.  The team lost this game.  So @abw0004 Thanks as always for your updates from the stadium and I got your back.  As for the other 95% of the board...

Image result for fantastic 4 flame on gif



Gus is the head coach. 

It's up to him to field a team that can beat each bama, LSU, UGA at least 50% of the time.  He can't do that, so he is failing as Auburn's head football coach. 

His teams should be able to win a game against these rivals while making some mistakes, but should not be making many mistakes, certainly not enough to lose the game.  But if his players are making too many mistakes, that's on Gus.  If his players can't play up to the standards needed to win, that's on Gus.  If Gus can't recruit the quality players it takes for Gus to win these games, it's on Gus.  If there is weakness in any position or part of the game, it's on Gus.  If the team can only beat rivals with the help of God Almighty or just dumb luck, that's on Gus. 


If some plays don't work to scheme, it's on Gus.  

If Gus would like some play calls back, that's on Gus.

If Gus can't field an adequate FG kicker, it's on Gus.

If the team has a problem with fumbling, it's on Gus.

If the team is always in 3rd and long situations so that the entire game rests on one 4th down play, that's on Gus.

If Gus' D blows coverage so often it results in a loss, it's on Gus.

The reason Gus Malzahn is paid an obscene salary and is getting rich is because all the responsibility and the Win/Loss record at the end of the season is on Gus.  

The season isn't even over yet and excuse factory is already in overdrive.   The stench is nauseating.

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This post is in no way a reflection on @abw0004 as I know he means well and is not blind to what is going on....

But...at this point if you are still supporting this mess we are seeing on offense then you are NOT supporting our players.  Those kids came to Auburn to win games.  Yes, they came for an education and they came to attend a great university and be part of the AU Family...but they also came here to win and complete for championships.  They didn’t come here to get beat up 3 outta 4 years against their biggest rivals.  Think about those kids on defense.  Are they playing hard for Gus?  Doubt it.  They are playing hard for Steele, for each other and for Auburn.  Not Gus.  They have to be disappointed.  Brown and Davidson came back, turned down big paydays to try and win.  Yes they will get paid after this year but they took a big risk coming back and look what its got them.  The same ol same ol.  This isn’t the era of Pat Dye, Vince Dooley, Bobby Bowden etc. where coaches are loyal to the school.  They are more hired guns now than loyal supporters. You think Saban gives one flip about the bama fans?  He came for the paycheck and the opportunity to win big.  Gus is here because we were the first big time program to offer him a head coach job and paid him well for it.  If Arky had come calling first then they would be dealing with this mess and not us.  

All that to say my loyalty lies with Auburn University and the boys who put on those pads and give all they got for that university and for us to be entertained every Saturday.  Not the coach.  The coach has done those players a huge disservice and the university a huge disservice. Yes, of course they are still playing hard for him.  Thats what kids do.  That doesn’t mean they don’t want and deserve better than what they are getting.  You only get a short window to play big time college football. I know they don’t want to waste their seasons being beaten by rivals every single year and looking stupid on national TV because their coach can’t grasp basic offensive concepts.  

Be loyal to Auburn.  Be loyal to those players. But for the love of all thats good and holy stop supporting this underachiever who is bringing Auburn down to MSU levels of being average...and convincing fans to ACCEPT it. SMH.  

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It was definitely one of the better crowds I’ve seen in Auburn since the last time they were here.  A lot of people started to leave toward the end of the third when UGA went up 21-0 and the offense just wasn’t doing anything.  After Auburn scores the first TD you’d have thought Auburn won the game.  I always enjoy UGA’s fire twirler.  I know it probably made a lot of Auburn fans happy but showing the Fairly hit that was a little late over and over again was a little below Auburn I felt.  I used to think the Auburn Uga rivalry was fairly civil but things changed because of the perceived “dirtiness” of those Fairly hits.  I just didn’t think there was a need to brag about them.  Iron Bowl will be interesting.

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6 hours ago, abw0004 said:

Auburn:  You know, there is just so much more to Auburn than a win or loss.  Auburn is not a football school, or basketball school.  What makes Auburn so great are the people that enjoy wearing the AU.  Our little college town attracts a certain type of people.  One that does not mind having to fight for everything and I would not have it any other way.  This is why we all have such a great bond, and are a family.  We all look out for each other.  We all enjoy yelling "WAR EAGLE" no matter where we are in the world.  And when someone says that to you, you can't help but smile.  Auburn's football is a byproduct of this amazing place.  A loss will never affect my love for Auburn.  Auburn men and women are what make Auburn special, not a sports program.  Auburn is where I will be buried.  Auburn is where I hope to see my future kids graduate from.  Auburn is my home.


You said so much in the OP that I loved, but this...this is numero uno.

I'm an Indiana grad that visited a friend at Auburn in March of 1993 (on my way to Panama City for Spring Break), and it has been one of the love's of my life ever since.  The fact that both my wife and I, non-alumni, have been to Auburn at least once a year every year since 1998 should tell you something.  And when I admit that we've even been to Auburn more than we've been to IU-Bloomington since we graduated...that should definitely tell you something!

Auburn IS a magical place, for all of the reasons you mentioned, and so many more.  And now that my daughter is a freshman down there, it's one more reason for me to love and appreciate everything Auburn and the AU family even more.

My wife and I have every intention of retiring in the next 10-12 years and one community is at the top of our list of choices to relocate to from here in Indianapolis.  I bet you can guess that place! 

Thx for a great post, abw!

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2 hours ago, LKEEL75 said:

I applaud you for saying this and I am in agreement with you.  Yes there were some plays that didn't work due to scheme.  Yes there was some plays\calls that I am sure Gus would want back.  But I am also certain there are plays that the players wish they had back as well.  Gus didn't miss the field goal.  Gus didn't fumble the ball.  Gus didn't have a bad throw on 4th down.  Gus didn't give up a blown coverage TD.  Not blaming any one player just like not blaming the coach.  The team lost this game.  So @abw0004 Thanks as always for your updates from the stadium and I got your back.  As for the other 95% of the board...

Image result for fantastic 4 flame on gif


I understand what you are saying. I used the same argument in defending CGM. But its been seven years now. Things should be crystal clear of what our offense is. We know the identity of our defense and it gets tweaked now and again but there is no denying we are a pressure defense. Cannot say the same on offense. Are we RPO, a pass first to establish the run, where are our strengths? Please tell me so I will know?  CGM is a great dude but again his offensive philosophy is outdated and he is not willing to change.

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2 hours ago, AURealist said:


Gus is the head coach. 

It's up to him to field a team that can beat each bama, LSU, UGA at least 50% of the time.  He can't do that, so he is failing as Auburn's head football coach. 

His teams should be able to win a game against these rivals while making some mistakes, but should not be making many mistakes, certainly not enough to lose the game.  But if his players are making too many mistakes, that's on Gus.  If his players can't play up to the standards needed to win, that's on Gus.  If Gus can't recruit the quality players it takes for Gus to win these games, it's on Gus.  If there is weakness in any position or part of the game, it's on Gus.  If the team can only beat rivals with the help of God Almighty or just dumb luck, that's on Gus. 


If some plays don't work to scheme, it's on Gus.  

If Gus would like some play calls back, that's on Gus.

If Gus can't field an adequate FG kicker, it's on Gus.

If the team has a problem with fumbling, it's on Gus.

If the team is always in 3rd and long situations so that the entire game rests on one 4th down play, that's on Gus.

If Gus' D blows coverage so often it results in a loss, it's on Gus.

The reason Gus Malzahn is paid an obscene salary and is getting rich is because all the responsibility and the Win/Loss record at the end of the season is on Gus.  

The season isn't even over yet and excuse factory is already in overdrive.   The stench is nauseating.

This....not realizing this or being in denial about this is the reason I still rode the Bus up until LSU game. I finally had an epiphany and it all hit me. That is why he get's paid $7 million a year...to take responsibility for these things. If he was volunteering to coach for free...then it's a different scenario, but he signed a monetary contract for services that include having the knowledge and intestinal fortitude to put a winning product on the field without fail and without excuse. Of course the players take have a bit of responsibility and are being given a scholarship and soon to be money for their skills, but it is on the coach to manage and hone those skills. The coach should know where weaknesses and strengths in the roster are and should address them. 

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2 hours ago, Tigerpro2a said:

The coach should know where weaknesses and strengths in the roster are and should address them. 

This is where I'm at as well. Regardless of the play calls, with an above average oline we are undefeated. That is on Gus. Whether recruiting or oline coaching its on him. He's the boss.

Time for a change.

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5 hours ago, AURealist said:


Gus is the head coach. 

It's up to him to field a team that can beat each bama, LSU, UGA at least 50% of the time.  He can't do that, so he is failing as Auburn's head football coach. 

His teams should be able to win a game against these rivals while making some mistakes, but should not be making many mistakes, certainly not enough to lose the game.  But if his players are making too many mistakes, that's on Gus.  If his players can't play up to the standards needed to win, that's on Gus.  If Gus can't recruit the quality players it takes for Gus to win these games, it's on Gus.  If there is weakness in any position or part of the game, it's on Gus.  If the team can only beat rivals with the help of God Almighty or just dumb luck, that's on Gus. 


If some plays don't work to scheme, it's on Gus.  

If Gus would like some play calls back, that's on Gus.

If Gus can't field an adequate FG kicker, it's on Gus.

If the team has a problem with fumbling, it's on Gus.

If the team is always in 3rd and long situations so that the entire game rests on one 4th down play, that's on Gus.

If Gus' D blows coverage so often it results in a loss, it's on Gus.

The reason Gus Malzahn is paid an obscene salary and is getting rich is because all the responsibility and the Win/Loss record at the end of the season is on Gus.  

The season isn't even over yet and excuse factory is already in overdrive.   The stench is nauseating.



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3 hours ago, nixtosanders94 said:

This post is in no way a reflection on @abw0004 as I know he means well and is not blind to what is going on....

But...at this point if you are still supporting this mess we are seeing on offense then you are NOT supporting our players.  Those kids came to Auburn to win games.  Yes, they came for an education and they came to attend a great university and be part of the AU Family...but they also came here to win and complete for championships.  They didn’t come here to get beat up 3 outta 4 years against their biggest rivals.  Think about those kids on defense.  Are they playing hard for Gus?  Doubt it.  They are playing hard for Steele, for each other and for Auburn.  Not Gus.  They have to be disappointed.  Brown and Davidson came back, turned down big paydays to try and win.  Yes they will get paid after this year but they took a big risk coming back and look what its got them.  The same ol same ol.  This isn’t the era of Pat Dye, Vince Dooley, Bobby Bowden etc. where coaches are loyal to the school.  They are more hired guns now than loyal supporters. You think Saban gives one flip about the bama fans?  He came for the paycheck and the opportunity to win big.  Gus is here because we were the first big time program to offer him a head coach job and paid him well for it.  If Arky had come calling first then they would be dealing with this mess and not us.  

All that to say my loyalty lies with Auburn University and the boys who put on those pads and give all they got for that university and for us to be entertained every Saturday.  Not the coach.  The coach has done those players a huge disservice and the university a huge disservice. Yes, of course they are still playing hard for him.  Thats what kids do.  That doesn’t mean they don’t want and deserve better than what they are getting.  You only get a short window to play big time college football. I know they don’t want to waste their seasons being beaten by rivals every single year and looking stupid on national TV because their coach can’t grasp basic offensive concepts.  

Be loyal to Auburn.  Be loyal to those players. But for the love of all thats good and holy stop supporting this underachiever who is bringing Auburn down to MSU levels of being average...and convincing fans to ACCEPT it. SMH.  

Amen brother.  And I'll feel the same about the next coach and the one after that if the same BS happens. 

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3 hours ago, Indy said:

You said so much in the OP that I loved, but this...this is numero uno.

I'm an Indiana grad that visited a friend at Auburn in March of 1993 (on my way to Panama City for Spring Break), and it has been one of the love's of my life ever since.  The fact that both my wife and I, non-alumni, have been to Auburn at least once a year every year since 1998 should tell you something.  And when I admit that we've even been to Auburn more than we've been to IU-Bloomington since we graduated...that should definitely tell you something!

Auburn IS a magical place, for all of the reasons you mentioned, and so many more.  And now that my daughter is a freshman down there, it's one more reason for me to love and appreciate everything Auburn and the AU family even more.

My wife and I have every intention of retiring in the next 10-12 years and one community is at the top of our list of choices to relocate to from here in Indianapolis.  I bet you can guess that place! 

Thx for a great post, abw!

Where in Indiana are you from?  We have a farm in Terra Haute.  My father is from there and we have family in Vincennes as well as Indianapolis!

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12 hours ago, dyehardfanAU said:

There's the blame the refs moral victory talk I've been expecting.  Surprised it took so long.

Somebody give dyehard a Love reaction.  I've never seen 1 post get EVERY emoji before!

Well done! :cheers:

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7 hours ago, Win4AU said:

It was definitely one of the better crowds I’ve seen in Auburn since the last time they were here.  A lot of people started to leave toward the end of the third when UGA went up 21-0 and the offense just wasn’t doing anything.  After Auburn scores the first TD you’d have thought Auburn won the game.  I always enjoy UGA’s fire twirler.  I know it probably made a lot of Auburn fans happy but showing the Fairly hit that was a little late over and over again was a little below Auburn I felt.  I used to think the Auburn Uga rivalry was fairly civil but things changed because of the perceived “dirtiness” of those Fairly hits.  I just didn’t think there was a need to brag about them.  Iron Bowl will be interesting.

Serious question, as I'm just curious but when did you start watching AU football? 

I obviously can't promise anything before I was around but growing up in Georgia (not far from Athens) and watching AU-GA games since I can remember in the late '70's, there ain't never been ANYTHING civil about the rivalry....nor Georgia fans for that matter.

I went to the '97 game with my wife and parents (ironically, the very game that diminutive Demontray Carter steamrolled Kirby Smart in the now infamous video ABW mentioned LOL!) and we were high in the Auburn section but in front of a crew of leg-humper fans....the nasty crap they'd say about us to each other... Anyway, I headed up toward the concessions and two guys were fighting so bad and one literally was trying to pick up the other to throw him over the side of the stadium!  They were BOTH Georgia fans, MY LORD!  As you might expect, at least 2 or 3 of the guys who stepped in to break it up were Auburn guys.

There's a reason so many of us who grew up in GA hate them worse than bammer....

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7 hours ago, Win4AU said:

It was definitely one of the better crowds I’ve seen in Auburn since the last time they were here.  A lot of people started to leave toward the end of the third when UGA went up 21-0 and the offense just wasn’t doing anything.  After Auburn scores the first TD you’d have thought Auburn won the game.  I always enjoy UGA’s fire twirler.  I know it probably made a lot of Auburn fans happy but showing the Fairly hit that was a little late over and over again was a little below Auburn I felt.  I used to think the Auburn Uga rivalry was fairly civil but things changed because of the perceived “dirtiness” of those Fairly hits.  I just didn’t think there was a need to brag about them.  Iron Bowl will be interesting.

The AU-uga rivalry was never civil.  They spit on us from the upper catwalks as we left the stadium back in '83.  And not just one or two dawg fans, either.

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UGA has played more dirty ball than we have ever. I blame Mark Richt for allowing the Thugyness that he brought from Fl State. They used to get a ton of personal fouls when the officials actually called a fair game. Late hits, out of bounds, facemasks etc were common. Now they just don't see them except on the replay which is great. Now I know why the officials had a nasty attitude toward us.

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