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CNN Poll: 2020 voters never cared about the Russia investigation

DKW 86

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CNN Poll: 2020 voters never cared about the Russia investigation

ME: Collusion has been shown to be a loser for the American Electorate. It is time to start talking policy and plans. Another minute on "Russian Collusion" is a waste of time, money , labor, effort, etc. this poll was by CNN. It is open ended meaning the responders can give any answers they want, no restrictions. Of those cited to be important issues....

Russian Collusion got a whopping ZERO% Response. 

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More: Top Ten Most Important Issues of the 2020 Presidential Election

ME: I went on down to #20)


1Nuclear Weapons #1

The continuation of the world depends on the appropriate handling of this grave issue. The intolerable 21st century, WW1, hyperinflation in Germany, WW2, Totalitarianism, national socialism, communism, when millions of people were annihalated is a testament to the importance of this concern.+2

Solved by Trump less than 2 years into his first term.+3

While, over the past couple of decades, most countries have taken action to reduce the spread of nuclear weapons, most agree that more needs to be done. Sadly, this wasn't a big issue in the last election. Hopefully, this will be brought up next time. - Alpha101+6

2The Middle Class #2

Lowest overall unemployment rate in decades, and the lowest unemployment rate for blacks EVER. Trump's economy is roaring along. 

The Middle class has been crumbling for decades. The average wage is going down year after year, thanks to inflation. This is not the sign of a healthy economy. In a healthy economy, the average income should be increasing annually. Hopefully, during the next election cycle, candidates will discuss this more and try to find ways to begin to rebuild the middle class. - Alpha101+8

3Healthcare #3

Replacement to ACA, and upgrade to Medicade, Medicare, and VA Hospitals. Have government pay first (say) $4,000 of every adults medical expenses directly to provider. Helps everyone, reduces state (county) cost for providing indigent health care. Most on Medicaid could be dropped. More will be able to afford Major Medical policies to fill in GAP. Large corporations will save big time on health insurance costs. Medicaid will only be needed for those whose medical costs have become astronomical. Taxes will need to be raised slightly, but we need to balance budget anyway.new

This was possibly the most important issue of the last election, and that's a good sign. The US health insurance system is inefficient, overly-complicated, and overly-expensive. Millions still do not have coverage, and millions more are about to lose their coverage that they gained through the ACA in the next couple of years. Even if you're lucky enough to have insurance, lots can't even use it, thanks to high deductibles and premiums. We need to make health insurance drastically more affordable, and make sure that everyone has access to at least a basic level of coverage. - Alpha101+6

It’s a right. - blackflower 

4War #4

While the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are over with on paper, we're still heavily involved in the region. Lots of citizens are upset about this and demand that we should pull out completely in the middle east. This will be a difficult but necessary topic for the next president to address. - Alpha101+3

5The Environment #5

Climate change is the most important thing we can talk about as a country as well as the human race. We will cause the destruction of the human race as we know it if we continue down the path that we are. The environment and the climate are the most important issue coming down the line to the president, senate and house.new

Whether you believe on climate change or not, you cannot deny that humans have done irreversible damage to the environment. From oil spills, to contaminated ground water, to the damaging of the ozone, we as a race need to take initiative to protect our planet and preserve it for future generations. We need to invest more funds in research for green energy, produce incentives for people to decrease their carbon footprint, and enact harsher penalties for heavy polluters. - Alpha101+6

Regardless if you think Climate change is real or not we still need to pay attention to how much we are polluting - Randomator+3

6Education #6

Education should be the number 1 issue in america right now, not just for k-12 but helping students continue education into college.+1

Education in the US is a complete joke. Public schools are underfunded, classrooms are too full, and the students are taught to take tests than to actually strive to learn. Not only would improving education in the US lead to more scientific research and the such, it would also provide a stimulus to our sluggish economy. - Alpha101+10

7The National Debt #7

Honestly, I can't remember this being talked about ONCE during the last election. We're currently around 20 trillion dollars in debt, and it's still continuing to grow. If it keeps growing, and our only option is to default, then the entire world will fall into an economy panic. No matter what party you represent, almost everyone agrees that we need to be more careful with our money, and we need to stop adding to the debt, unless it's absolutely necessary. - Alpha101+4

8Gun Violence #8

Firearms don't kill people, people kill people.
Restricting or Limiting our 2nd Amendment right would take firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens and put them into the hands of criminals. Criminals that don't take the legal route that have stolen, or made on their own firearms. Psych testing is a understandable and reasonable approach of regulating whom should be armed.new

There are about 6-8 major "inner city" areas that have awful gun violence, almost all of it drug and gang-related. Outside of those few areas that anyone with a brain avoids, the USA is as safe or safer than Europe and especially Asia.new

Gun violence is horrible in the US. On top of that, despite being the richest country in the world, we also have the largest incarceration rate. I personally do not support any form of gun control, but I do agree that things need to change. - Alpha101+3

While the second amendment gives us the right to bear arms we need to adjust it to prevent shootings like the one in Vegas - Randomator+3

9Abortion #9

Abortion is choice depending on beliefs, moral standards, life style and living circumstances...new

Abortion is murder+1

10Immigration #10

The US has a very difficult and arduous immigration process. Streamlining that process and making it easier to legally immigrate to the US would serve to decrease illegal immigration by mitigating its benefits. This would address concerns over terrorism by being able to track immigrants more easily (since they are legal). This would also serve to increase the workforce as well as the taxable population. 

The USA already allows more LEGAL immigration than any other nation. Exactly how many do you want to allow? Everybody? Better re-think that position. 

We currently have millions of immigrants that are living in the country illegally. Most conservatives wish to deport these undocumented immigrants and beef up boarder security, while most liberals want to offer these people a road to citizenship, and make it easier for future immigrants to immigrate legally. Whatever your stance is, this is a vital issue. - Alpha101

?Student loan debt #11

Bondage, New form of slavery that limits your earnings. If you make more you pay more and with a large debt and no degree a person becomes a slave for 20+ years before they can get some relief.new

?Campaign Finance Reform #12

The only way to give the power to the people long-term is to change the system. Otherwise, it's the pendulum swinging red to blue to red, etc.new

11School Shootings #13
12Civil Rights #14

While great things have been done for the civil rights of African Americans in the past, many believe that the same protections should be applied to those who belong to the LGBT community. This will be a controversial issue that needs to be discussed. - Alpha101+2

13Poverty #15
14Government Debt  #16
15Society #17
16Mental Services #18
17Trade War #19
18US Privacy Laws #20 
19National Infrastructure #21

This was an issue in the last campaign. I would add having the Army Corps of Engineers to add structures to the nations rivers so that in case of flooding, part of the waters could be diverted to old river beds. In some cases, the diversion could be permanent to areas that currently have to pipe in water.new

20Foreign Relations #22
21Usury #23

Some people are up to their elbows in Credit Card debt. Need to maximize interest rates. To start with, how about 1% per month (12.7% APR). For banks could drop FDIC insurrance if they charge more. Anyone who says they can't make money unless rates are higher should do the country a favor and get out of the business.new

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57 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

CNN Poll: 2020 voters never cared about the Russia investigation

ME: Collusion has been shown to be a loser for the American Electorate. It is time to start talking policy and plans. Another minute on "Russian Collusion" is a waste of time, money , labor, effort, etc. this poll was by CNN. It is open ended meaning the responders can give any answers they want, no restrictions. Of those cited to be important issues....

Russian Collusion got a whopping ZERO% Response. 

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You could never get that message by watching CNN. They should pay attention to their poll.

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If you looked at the OP, The Hill picture was taken at 0432 PDT. They buried it as hard and fast as they could. 

It was 0732 EDT and 0632 CDT.

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On 4/2/2019 at 12:02 PM, Proud Tiger said:

I wonder why Dems don't get the message either.

It's all they have....if your platform was was the Infanticide, the Green New Deal, Reparations, Open borders, 1st Amendment suppression,  and Tax raising, all being messaged by a fake Indian, a fake Roman slave revolt leader, an adolescent fake sentient being, an octogenarian evil "1%'er" preaching socialism for thee; not me... and a creepy handsy/hair smelling career political whore; you'd still be yelling collusion too...

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1 hour ago, japantiger said:

It's all they have....if your platform was was the Infanticide, the Green New Deal, Reparations, Open borders, 1st Amendment suppression,  and Tax raising, all being messaged by a fake Indian, a fake Roman slave revolt leader, an adolescent fake sentient being, an octogenarian evil "1%'er" preaching socialism for thee; not me... and a creepy handsy/hair smelling career political whore; you'd still be yelling collusion too...

You left out the Jewish hating Muslim.:-\

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57 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

You left out the Jewish hating Muslim.:-\

And the guy running on a platform for "reparations" though it's not clear who is eligible to receive them...or who should pay?  

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