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This Week Was A Great Reminder That Trump Is A Huge Liar

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Just now, SaltyTiger said:

and we thank you for the hard work on you have put into on weeks recap Brother Homer

 always ready to help those who need it. ?

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North Korea shutting down shop and South Korea tipping hat to Trump.... Homer can have the pointless collateral. We know what really matters! MAGA!!!!

Maybe a Nobel Peace prize to someone who actually earned it!!!!


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I forgot to mention the incredible economy with incredible unemployment numbers. I have made a ton of money in the stock market and it's only May. Almost everywhere I go there is a help wanted sign.

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8 hours ago, Proud Tiger said:

Some folks just like to forget Obama's lies and the fact he got the Washington Post Pinocchio Award.


Since you seem confused about what is or isn’t whataboutism, your post is an absolutely perfect illustration.  

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11 hours ago, NolaAuTiger said:

North Korea shutting down shop and South Korea tipping hat to Trump.... Homer can have the pointless collateral. We know what really matters! MAGA!!!!

Maybe a Nobel Peace prize to someone who actually earned it!!!!

North Korea "shutting down shop'?   :laugh:

Boy, that's naive.

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

North Korea "shutting down shop'?   :laugh:

Boy, that's naive.

You treat any extension of credit to Trump as a political kiss of death

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12 minutes ago, NolaAuTiger said:

You treat any extension of credit to Trump as a political kiss of death

You mean like credit for having forced N. Korea to "shut down shop"?  :roflol:

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‘He can’t just lie his way out of every single box’

As a private businessman, Donald Trump managed to skate past bankruptcies and scandals, but as president he's finding it's harder to contradict his own statements.


Over his decades in real estate, Donald Trump was seemingly able to get away with anything, emerging from each consecutive bankruptcy and scandal ever more famous and with his brand ever more marketable.

As a candidate, he declared he could shoot someone in the middle of New York’s Fifth Avenue and not “lose any voters.”

But as president, Trump is running up against the limits of saying or doing whatever he wants.

The revelation by Rudy Giuliani that his client reimbursed his longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen for a $130,000 hush money payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels contradicted Trump’s own previous denials that he knew anything about the deal — and, despite Giuliani’s intent to tamp down concerns that the October 2016 payment violated campaign finance laws, raised a whole new set of questions about whether Trump failed to disclose a personal loan.

“As long as they believe that all that matters is the base and Fox News, they’ll keep doing it,” said Rick Wilson, a Republican strategist who has been critical of Trump’s presidency. “But at some point, when the law is the issue and not Trump’s bubble, you end up in a situation where he can’t just lie his way out of every single box.”

For much of his brief political career, Trump has been dogged by problems of his own making, with efforts to cut off one crisis creating even bigger controversies down the road.

In the wake of revelations that Donald Trump Jr. met during the 2016 campaign with a Kremlin-connected operator who promised “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, Trump and aides huddled on Air Force One and drafted a statement that the meeting was merely to discuss adoption policy.

That story was quickly disproved, and now the episode is of interest to special counsel Robert Mueller as he investigates possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign.

Before the Air Force One huddle, there was the episode that led to Mueller’s appointment in the first place: the firing of FBI director James Comey.

Trump was warned by close aides that the move could be politically disastrous, but he went ahead anyway, tapping Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to draft a memo to justify the firing.

That document focused on Comey’s handling of the Clinton email investigation — but Trump subsequently undermined that explanation, declaring on NBC News that he had fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. Trump then reportedly boasted in a meeting with senior Russian officials that firing Comey had taken “great pressure” off him.

That episode, too, is now a focus for Mueller.

The attempted clean-ups have proved damaging to those around Trump, too.

Last fall, amid criticism from a Democratic congresswoman about Trump’s comments to the widow of a Special Forces soldier killed in Niger, chief of staff John Kelly took the briefing room podium and misrepresented remarks the congresswoman gave at a 2015 event.

Former press secretary Sean Spicer was mocked on late night television for his infamous declaration that the administration’s travel ban was “not a travel ban,” only to have Trump declare it exactly that on Twitter.

The latest firestorm again sent the White House into damage control, with Giuliani’s remarks to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, along with the comment that the president “did know about the general arrangement,” contradicting past denials by Trump, his campaign and the White House.

Giuliani’s declaration also ran counter to Cohen’s claim that he was never reimbursed.

Trump, on Thursday took to Twitter to expand on Giuliani’s case that the payment was not a campaign finance violation, contending that Cohen received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign, “from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement, or NDA,” Trump wrote.

“These agreements are very common among celebrities and people of wealth.”

Trump has joined Cohen in a New York courtroom to limit the government’s access to documents and other materials seized in an FBI raid last month on Cohen’s New York apartment, office and hotel room, citing attorney-client privilege between the president and his longtime lawyer.

Cohen’s lawyers have acknowledged their client is under federal investigation by federal prosecutors in New York, including for potential campaign finance violations.

To Trump’s associates and longtime supporters, the decision to send Giuliani out on TV was textbook Trump. Few are better at exploiting a news cycle and media ecosystem whose hunger for a new development, anything loud or scandalous, is never sated.

Sam Nunberg, told POLITICO that the president merely sent out his lawyer to explain its position. “Here are the facts as we understand them now, and he hasn’t done anything illegal,” Nunberg said.

“You want to judge him on morality, judge him on morality,” Nunberg added. “But there are no campaign finance issues.”

Yet Giuliani himself signaled that the timing of the payment to Daniels, who claims she began an affair with Trump in 2006, was connected to the November 2016 election.

On “Fox & Friends,” he seemed to imply that campaign considerations played into a payment to Daniels in October of 2016, the month before the election. If the money served a political purpose, experts say, it could be considered an undisclosed contribution.

“Imagine if that came out on Oct. 15, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he said on the program. “Cohen didn’t even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job.”

On Thursday, Giuliani leaned on another tried-and-true strategy: changing the subject.

Giuliani went on the offensive after an NBC News report that Cohen’s phones had been wiretapped, capturing at least one call between Cohen and Trump.

“I am waiting for the Attorney General to step in, in his role as defender of justice, and put these people under investigation,” Giuliani told The Hill in an interview.

NBC News issued a correction to its wiretap story shortly thereafter, reportitng that federal investigators had monitored Cohen’s phone activity using a pen register, which allows them to see who has called in or out, but that they had not listened in on phone conversations via wiretap.


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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

You mean like credit for having forced N. Korea to "shut down shop"?  :roflol:

Did I mention April unemployment? Again, stick to that collateral. The blue collar man knows what really matters. You see, what you hold on to doesn't really make a huge difference to the average person out there. 

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1 minute ago, NolaAuTiger said:

Did I mention April unemployment? Again, stick to that collateral. The blue collar man knows what really matters. You see, what you hold on to doesn't really make a huge difference to the average person out there. 

Well, first, Trump had no more to do with April's unemployment statistics than a rooster had to do with the sun coming up this morning.  That's not even a respectable attempt to change the subject - which is about Trump's habitual lying.


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7 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Well, first, Trump had no more to do with April's unemployment statistics than a rooster had to do with the sun coming up this morning.  That's not even a respectable attempt to change the subject - which is about Trump's habitual lying.


The Economist notes this week that blue collar wages are rising, as unemployment tumbles, wage growth among factory workers, drivers, and builders, now exceeds 4%. Theirs is growing faster than the wages of professionals and managers.

Funny how someone posted an article with this in it and your response was....

Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 10.46.04 AM.png


My oh my, why the change of heart towards the Executive?


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And yet, unemployment is @3.9%...3.9%....let that sink in for a moment....and minority unemployment hits new low as well...wages continue to grow, fewer people on unemployment than in 2 generations....everyone has a tax reduction...and OMG, Trump may win a nobel prize....I'll take an effective liar any day over an ineffective liar.



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20 minutes ago, japantiger said:

And yet, unemployment is @3.9%...3.9%....let that sink in for a moment....and minority unemployment hits new low as well...wages continue to grow, fewer people on unemployment than in 2 generations....everyone has a tax reduction...and OMG, Trump may win a nobel prize....I'll take an effective liar any day over an ineffective liar.



But, but, Trump haters don't have the capacity to give him any credit for the economy or anything else for that matter.

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1 hour ago, japantiger said:

And yet, unemployment is @3.9%...3.9%....let that sink in for a moment....and minority unemployment hits new low as well...wages continue to grow, fewer people on unemployment than in 2 generations....everyone has a tax reduction...and OMG, Trump may win a nobel prize....I'll take an effective liar any day over an ineffective liar.



Everytime this is a conservative's attitude this is the chart that comes to mind, and I still use it every single time.

Under Obama the unemployment rate moved from ~10% to ~4.3%, yet not once have I heard a republican praise the fiscal success of the Obama administration.  Under Trump the unemployment rate has moved from ~4.3% to ~3.9%, and you guys act like the spirit of John Galt himself has jumped from Ayn Rand's butthole and possessed the current president, bestowing him with omnipotent financial grace.  

I'm very happy that more people in this country have employment than they did after the last time the GOP tanked the economy (I know it's more complex than that).  Hopefully, that ballooning budget deficit doesn't become a problem.


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The error in this chart, where ever it came from,  is that it doesn't take into account all the people who were unemployed and on benefits that ran out and they gave up looking for a job. And it doesn't show a breakout of minority employment. For blacks the current unemployment rate is at an all time low.

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21 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

The error in this chart, where ever it came from,  is that it doesn't take into account all the people who were unemployed and on benefits that ran out and they gave up looking for a job. And it doesn't show a breakout of minority employment. For blacks the current unemployment rate is at an all time low.

PT, just a heads up for you.  I'm not seeing your posts regularly because I've chosen to ignore them.  Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you don't enter into these discussions in good faith, and you seldom add value to conversations.  Again, nothing personal, I'm sure outside of politics you're a good guy, and when football season approaches I'll adjust my settings so that I see your commentary on topics in which your contributions are more significant and valid.

Also, the chart is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


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3 hours ago, HVAU said:

PT, just a heads up for you.  I'm not seeing your posts regularly because I've chosen to ignore them.  Nothing personal, but my opinion is that you don't enter into these discussions in good faith, and you seldom add value to conversations.  Again, nothing personal, I'm sure outside of politics you're a good guy, and when football season approaches I'll adjust my settings so that I see your commentary on topics in which your contributions are more significant and valid.

Also, the chart is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


That's OK, I understand. I respect your decision since I have several posters on ignore since I think the same about them. Cheers to you too and WDE.

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9 hours ago, NolaAuTiger said:

The Economist notes this week that blue collar wages are rising, as unemployment tumbles, wage growth among factory workers, drivers, and builders, now exceeds 4%. Theirs is growing faster than the wages of professionals and managers.

Funny how someone posted an article with this in it and your response was....

Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 10.46.04 AM.png


My oh my, why the change of heart towards the Executive?


First, compare the economic situation when Obama was sworn in.  Secondly, consider the time lag associated with any changes in policy, good or bad.

Trump has merely thrown deficient-producing fuel on an already healthy economy.  It's the equivalent of a "sugar high".

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7 hours ago, japantiger said:

And yet, unemployment is @3.9%...3.9%....let that sink in for a moment....and minority unemployment hits new low as well...wages continue to grow, fewer people on unemployment than in 2 generations....everyone has a tax reduction...and OMG, Trump may win a nobel prize....I'll take an effective liar any day over an ineffective liar.



Are you suggesting the economy is justification for a habitually lying president?

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28 minutes ago, homersapien said:

First, compare the economic situation when Obama was sworn in.  Secondly, consider the time lag associated with any changes in policy, good or bad.

Trump has merely thrown deficient-producing fuel on an already healthy economy.  It's the equivalent of a "sugar high".

“Of course”

hahahha you’re not digging yourself out of this hole ya old fart

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32 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Are you suggesting the economy is justification for a habitually lying president?

I would say yes

seems to a bit of optimism in the air now. I noticed that it started around Nov. 9, 2016. Sure you were to busy searching Vox and HuffPO for Russia Collusion articles.  

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