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Eric Bolling suspended from Fox amid lewd message allegations

DKW 86

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28 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Eric Bolling suspended from Fox amid lewd message allegations
I have a question: Does Fox just hires @-holes or do  they become a-holes after being @ Fox?

An attorney for Bolling said he had no recollection of the messages and doesn't believe he sent them.

“Mr. Bolling recalls no such inappropriate communications, does not believe he sent any such communications, 

What a weak response. Just pathetic. 

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7 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Fox News is a network full of sexual predators who helped elect a sexual predator as POTUS. 

You confuse me so much Elle. I thought the Russians elected President Trump. Fox is not a Vlad owned network......

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45 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

You confuse me so much Elle. I thought the Russians elected President Trump. Fox is not a Vlad owned network......

I'll be happy to help you improve your reading comprehension skills so you aren't confused. Notice I said "helped"; Fox helped. The Russians meddled in our elections to "help" Trump. Jackasses elected Trump. Any questions?

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2 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

I'll be happy to help you improve your reading comprehension skills so you aren't confused. Notice I said "helped"; Fox helped. The Russians meddled in our elections to "help" Trump. Jackasses elected Trump. Any questions?

He's a Trump apologist. He's not just playing dumb.

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I am going to step in on this one. It was indeed one of, but not the main one. The REAL ELECTORAL DIVIDE is found in the middle class and their being found to feel disenfranchised, dis-empowered. They feel that they were being overlooked and dis-empowered by elitists in both parties. That is why Trump, total outsider to BOTH parties, is now president. Trump was elected to office by Obama Voters. That is THE takeaway from 2016. The Blue Wall collapsed and became the Trump Path to Power. Education might be one of the points, but it rests inside the fact that Voters that elected an Educated Black Man in 2008 elected a Orange Orangutan Clown in 2016 because they were rejecting the same thing that basically all of America have rejected. It isnt a policy rejection so much as a governance rejection. That is the only thing that can explain The Democrat Party being rejected in 1000+ Offices across almost all states and counties in America. While the American People support more Liberal POLICIES than ever, they are at the same time more repelled than ever from those that would bring about those policies. That is how you get to an America where you have these two truths.

1) Liberal Policy has never been more popular. It is supported by more people then ever, in US history.
2) The Democrat Party has never been more rejected. It is at its lowest point in maybe the last 150 Years.

The conclusion is that it is not the policy being rejected, it is the PARTY (or that party's governance) that is being rejected.

To put that in more easily recognizable terms...IN THE USA:

1) People like the Policies and Ideas of the Democrat Party
2) The Average American Voter Rejects (does not trust) the Democrat Party as the Party to implement them. 
        A.) The American Voter does not trust the Democrat Party to fairly implement policy. Voters may feel betrayed by promises to keep their plan and their doctor.
        B.) The American Voter does not trust the Democrat Party to effectively implement that policy. Voters may see Dems as too influenced by corporate donors. 
        C.) The American Voter does not trust the Democrat Party to efficiently implement that policy. Voters may see too many instances of poor governance by VA, IRS, Military Contracts, Poor ACA Execution, etc, etc, etc.

That is how you get to the dichotomy that:
While accepting the more Liberal ideas and policies of the Democrats: Gay Marriage, Recreational and Medicinal Drug use, Incarceration Reform, Free College with qualifications, Medicare for all, Radical Campaign Finance Reform, Re-enforcement of Glass-Stegall Act for Wall Street and Banking Reform, More Consumer Protection, etc, etc, etc. The Democratic Party has never ever been less liked nor more out of power. 


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DKW While I agree with you that there was a feeling of disenfranchisement among middle class voters that led them to favor Trump, I still hold to my statement that education was the defining electoral divide. I'm certainly not saying that people who supportedTrunp don't have an education, but rather they were uneducated on things like foreign policy, NATO, the legal system, etc. And most importantly voters were uneducated on Trump himself. They just saw a man who was a successful business man with a big bank account. And the fact that they thought a man who had money could successfully maneuver American politics in a direction that would no longer disenfranchise them was the epitome of ignorance.

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1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

 the fact that they thought a man who had money could successfully maneuver American politics in a direction that would no longer disenfranchise them was the epitome of ignorance.

I agree. I still remember the day Trump announced. In less than a minute Titan and I both answered a thread and used the term Clown. I stand by that today and I bet Titan does too. The idea that two completely different individuals came to the exact same term in mere seconds of each other just sticks out in my mind. Trump looks less and less Presidential everyday, but we still have 3.5 years of him minimally. Trump's entire life is a clown story. He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple. He has failed more times than all of us on this board. For 30+ years he has been a C-List celebrity. He is on par with Kathy Griffin. Reality TV <smgdh> star. The man has been a poster child for how stoopid, vulgar, slimy, and cheesy American Culture can be at times. He had a TV show so inane I and anyone with a brain never watched it. He wrote books that were a sin against trees to print. He founded a bogus university and promptly closed it. Just another failure. He has Trump Branded Wines, Steak, Hotels, and Ivanka has clothes. He was just a celebrity because...THE MEDIA needed him to be a celebrity. Pictures of him with the Beautiful People were everywhere for 30+ years. He was a self identified Democrat 30+ years. Owned Sports teams blah blah blah :puke: Who gave us this Celebrity Nothingburger? American Media did.

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34 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

What do you think it was? 

And did you read my last post?

Yes. I think there are different groupings, but I know some well educated people that supported Trump, including the way you defined it there.

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11 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Yes. I think there are different groupings, but I know some well educated people that supported Trump, including the way you defined it there.

There are always exceptions. Most Trump supporters that I have spoken to have an education but really weren't educated about the candidate. 

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50 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

There are always exceptions. Most Trump supporters that I have spoken to have an education but really weren't educated about the candidate. 

For most I've talked to actual facts about the candidate were irrelevant.

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7 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

For most I've talked to actual facts about the candidate were irrelevant.

Agreed. To me that goes back to being uneducated. When you have a candidate who is so blatantly dishonest and fraudulent shouldn't that matter when running a country? 

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59 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Agreed. To me that goes back to being uneducated. When you have a candidate who is so blatantly dishonest and fraudulent shouldn't that matter when running a country? 

In light of obvious facts otherwise intelligent people ignore, I think it has more to do with deep seated biases that trump (unavoidable pun) facts, logic and reason.

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29 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

In light of obvious facts otherwise intelligent people ignore, I think it has more to do with deep seated biases that trump (unavoidable pun) facts, logic and reason.

I can see that. I had one person tell me that she couldn't vote for HRC because she was for abortion. #eyeroll

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11 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

I can see that. I had one person tell me that she couldn't vote for HRC because she was for abortion. #eyeroll

I think the SC was a common reason for folks not enamored with Trump. For folks still not seeing him for what he is, I think it is deep seated biases.

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15 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

I can see that. I had one person tell me that she couldn't vote for HRC because she was for abortion. #eyeroll

That was part of the reason I ended voting for Johnson...

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While Bolling is purportedly just temporarily sidelined as the network looks into the accusations, it appears that Fox News has decided to remove his name from one of the programs that he hosts. As screengrabbed by Yashar Ali, the reporter who authored the bombshell HuffPost story, the Twitter account for The Fox News Specialists now only lists Kat Timpf and Eboni Williams as hosts. Until recently, it included Bolling’s name.


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15 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

I think the SC was a common reason for folks not enamored with Trump. For folks still not seeing him for what he is, I think it is deep seated biases.

SCOTUS was the reason Franklin Graham backed Trump. 

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