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Insight from Dan Rather


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Dan Rather has been weighing in on the latest events via Facebook. I find his commentary insightful and wise. Here is his latest...



As with many of my fellow Americans, I don't consider myself partisan politically - never have. I am a registered independent voter and have been for most of my life. With that in mind, I submit the following:

Can we please get this out of the way? None of what is happening at the top of government now is normal. None of it. And no one should normalize it. No one. 

We have a President who lies without a second thought. Big bold lies that are easily disproven. That is not normal.

We have serious allegations around obstruction of justice by that President. That is not normal.

We have an FBI director fired for insisting to continue pursuing a serious investigation into the sanctify of our republic. It has never happened before in our history. That is not normal. 

We have a hostile foreign power attacking and undermining our electoral process. That is not normal.

We have an Attorney General under a serious shadow of association with said foreign power, with indications that there is much more to this story than we yet know. That is not normal.

We have Federal judges, our closest foreign allies, and the free press under scurrilous attack from the President and his enablers. At the same time we have despots praised. That is not normal.

We have an Administration fanning the flames of division over race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, and gender. That is not normal.

We have an overhaul of our entire health care system being written in secret on a rapid time frame. That is not normal.

We have a sordid confluence of the President's business interests and his political power. That is not normal.

The list could go on and on. And feel free to add your own to the comments section.

What concerns me even more than any of these items is the fact that they are largely being met by a shrug or excuses from most Republican elected officials. Even many Democrats seem overwhelmed and are inclined to let some of this just ride. That may be how politics works. But this is bigger. It's about our nation.

We are shifting the goalposts for our democracy. We are failing to be outraged by the outrageous because there is something even more outrageous that always seems to hit the news cycle. And that is dangerous.

What gives me hope is we have had waves of abnormality in our country's history. And we've had times when what we would consider now to be not normal, like segregation, was considered normal. What has centered and saved our country time and again is civic engagement. I believe that most people in this nation don't think any of this is normal. And they could very well vote out those elected officials in both parties who are normalizing these outrages.

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21 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Dan Rather has been weighing in on the latest events via Facebook. I find his commentary insightful and wise. Here is his latest...



As with many of my fellow Americans, I don't consider myself partisan politically - never have. I am a registered independent voter and have been for most of my life. With that in mind, I submit the following:

Can we please get this out of the way? None of what is happening at the top of government now is normal. None of it. And no one should normalize it. No one. 

We have a President who lies without a second thought. Big bold lies that are easily disproven. That is not normal.

We have serious allegations around obstruction of justice by that President. That is not normal.

We have an FBI director fired for insisting to continue pursuing a serious investigation into the sanctify of our republic. It has never happened before in our history. That is not normal. 

We have a hostile foreign power attacking and undermining our electoral process. That is not normal.

We have an Attorney General under a serious shadow of association with said foreign power, with indications that there is much more to this story than we yet know. That is not normal.

We have Federal judges, our closest foreign allies, and the free press under scurrilous attack from the President and his enablers. At the same time we have despots praised. That is not normal.

We have an Administration fanning the flames of division over race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, and gender. That is not normal.

We have an overhaul of our entire health care system being written in secret on a rapid time frame. That is not normal.

We have a sordid confluence of the President's business interests and his political power. That is not normal.

The list could go on and on. And feel free to add your own to the comments section.

What concerns me even more than any of these items is the fact that they are largely being met by a shrug or excuses from most Republican elected officials. Even many Democrats seem overwhelmed and are inclined to let some of this just ride. That may be how politics works. But this is bigger. It's about our nation.

We are shifting the goalposts for our democracy. We are failing to be outraged by the outrageous because there is something even more outrageous that always seems to hit the news cycle. And that is dangerous.

What gives me hope is we have had waves of abnormality in our country's history. And we've had times when what we would consider now to be not normal, like segregation, was considered normal. What has centered and saved our country time and again is civic engagement. I believe that most people in this nation don't think any of this is normal. And they could very well vote out those elected officials in both parties who are normalizing these outrages.

Rather appears frequently on a number of news shows including MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell and on CNN,  He has also  written for The Huffington Post and Mashable.

For much of his career, Rather has been the target of critics who have accused him of having a liberal bias.

In a June 2002 interview with Larry King, his long-time co-worker (and self-described liberal) Andy Rooney stated that Rather is "transparently liberal".

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1 hour ago, AUFAN78 said:

Rather appears frequently on a number of news shows including MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell and on CNN,  He has also  written for The Huffington Post and Mashable.

For much of his career, Rather has been the target of critics who have accused him of having a liberal bias.

In a June 2002 interview with Larry King, his long-time co-worker (and self-described liberal) Andy Rooney stated that Rather is "transparently liberal".

Focus on content-- dispute it if you wish with facts and reason.

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2 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Focus on content-- dispute it if you wish with facts and reason.

As wiki points out, he is clearly partisan and his comments should be viewed with that in mind. What more do you want?

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24 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

As wiki points out, he is clearly partisan and his comments should be viewed with that in mind. What more do you want?

Critic the substance.

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2 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

Dan Rather has been weighing in on the latest events via Facebook. I find his commentary insightful and wise. Here is his latest...

My response to Dan...........


As with many of my fellow Americans, I don't consider myself partisan politically  (wrong. You are liberal. Don't start a rant with a lie Dan.)- never have. I am a registered independent voter and have been for most of my life. With that in mind, I submit the following:

Can we please get this out of the way? None of what (agree as in what are you talking about Dan?) is happening at the top of government now is normal. None of it. And no one should normalize it. No one. 

We have a President who lies without a second thought. Big bold lies that are easily disproven. That is not normal. ( Really? I couldn't keep my doctor nor my insurance. Ring a bell Dan?)

We have serious allegations around obstruction of justice by that President. That is not normal. ( wasn't that cleared up yesterday Dan?)

We have an FBI director fired for insisting to continue pursuing a serious investigation into the sanctify of our republic. It has never happened before in our history. That is not normal.  (Typically he would have been dismissed earlier Dan and your facts have been disputed. Next)

We have a hostile foreign power attacking and undermining our electoral process. That is not normal. (where do you get your research Dan? You sure about this claim?)

We have an Attorney General under a serious shadow of association with said foreign power, with indications that there is much more to this story than we yet know. That is not normal. (Loretta Lynch ex-AG says hello Dan)

We have Federal judges, our closest foreign allies, and the free press under scurrilous attack from the President and his enablers. At the same time we have despots praised. That is not normal. ( I'll give you a pass here Dan, but some of this media attack is warranted)

We have an Administration fanning the flames of division over race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, and gender. That is not normal. (give me some substance Dan not a liberal talking point.)

We have an overhaul of our entire health care system being written in secret on a rapid time frame. That is not normal. (Obamacare. Need I say more Dan?)

We have a sordid confluence of the President's business interests and his political power. That is not normal. (Please be specific Dan. Sordid confluence?)

The list could go on and on. And feel free to add your own to the comments section. (You seem partisan Dan.)

What concerns me even more than any of these items is the fact that they are largely being met by a shrug or excuses from most Republican elected officials. Even many Democrats seem overwhelmed and are inclined to let some of this just ride. That may be how politics works. But this is bigger. It's about our nation. (Many if not most Americans that voted for the man did so for that very reason, it was about our nation. You should ask them.)

We are shifting the goalposts for our democracy. We are failing to be outraged by the outrageous because there is even more outrageous that always seems to hit the news cycle. And that is dangerous.  (Your tone and many of your colleagues in the media's tone is dangerous Dan. You mad he gets two scoops Dan? Sorry if I chuckle at the outrage.)

What gives me hope is we have had waves of abnormality in our country's history. And we've had times when what we would consider now to be not normal, like segregation, was considered normal. What has centered and saved our country time and again is civic engagement. I believe that most people in this nation don't think any of this is normal. And they could very well vote out those elected officials in both parties who are normalizing these outrages. ( I think we are done here Dan.Your entire rant has a liberal bias. You know that all to well. )


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1 minute ago, GiveEmElle said:

I love how it's always "liberal bias" and Obama gets brought up every time Trumps idiocy can't be defended. 

I hate Dan is so biased. I really do. It simply wasn't a well thought out piece. The hypocrisy is laughable. 

Now obviously I added humor to the retort simply for effect. I'm sure you noticed.

And Elle it is definitely not my job to defend Trump. I do, however, enjoy pointing out partisan rhetoric.

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6 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

I hate Dan is so biased. I really do. It simply wasn't a well thought out piece. The hypocrisy is laughable. 

Now obviously I added humor to the retort simply for effect. I'm sure you noticed.

And Elle it is definitely not my job to defend Trump. I do, however, enjoy pointing out partisan rhetoric.

You think he's biased. I think he is truthful.

A better example of partisan rhetoric is Paul Ryan's "he is new to this" comments about the man who firmly said "I alone can fix this."

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1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

You think he's biased. I think he is truthful.

A better example of partisan rhetoric is Paul Ryan's "he is new to this" comments about the man who firmly said "I alone can fix this."

Ryan is a politician...he's supposed to be partisan...

Rather is a "journalist" or something and is supposed to be objective...which he is anything but...and that's based on being exposed to his commentaries for a very long time....and being truthful is hit or miss with DR.

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15 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

Rather appears frequently on a number of news shows including MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell and on CNN,  He has also  written for The Huffington Post and Mashable.

For much of his career, Rather has been the target of critics who have accused him of having a liberal bias.

In a June 2002 interview with Larry King, his long-time co-worker (and self-described liberal) Andy Rooney stated that Rather is "transparently liberal".

Right on schedule, the "normalizers" jump in to defend the indefensible.


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14 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

As wiki points out, he is clearly partisan and his comments should be viewed with that in mind. What more do you want?

For you to point out the untruths.

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12 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

I hate Dan is so biased. I really do. It simply wasn't a well thought out piece. The hypocrisy is laughable. 

Now obviously I added humor to the retort simply for effect. I'm sure you noticed.

And Elle it is definitely not my job to defend Trump. I do, however, enjoy pointing out partisan rhetoric.

Yeah right.  <_<


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23 minutes ago, Grumps said:

It is sad that Dan Rather, who used to be a news icon, is now a bitter liberal hack. His rant is pretty pathetic.

Pathetic?   You're big on partisan judgement and short on specifics.  What was pathetic about it?

Do you think Trump's behavior falls within the category of "normal"?

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Excerpts from the Shields and Brooks segment on PBS News Hour:

(Listen to it at: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/shields-brooks-james-comey-hearing-takeaways/

"And I think what we saw in the Comey testimony was really a clash of cultures. James Comey is an institutional man. He serves the FBI. He believes in a government of laws. He believes in following the procedures and norms that really govern any organization.

We are a nation of laws. Donald Trump lives in an entirely different cultural universe. He is more clannist, believing in clan, believing in family, believing in loyalty, not recognizing objective law, not recognizing the procedures that is really how modern government operates.

So when Paul Ryan and other Republicans say, well, Donald Trump just didn’t know the rules because he’s an innocent at this, he’s a newbie at this, that’s insufficient. It’s not only that he doesn’t know the rules, but at all along and throughout his presidency, he has sort of trampled on the rules almost as a matter of policy, as a matter of character, because he doesn’t believe in that kind of relationships.

It’s all personal loyalty, not about laws and norms and standards. And I do think, eventually, down the road, that is going to be a continual source of problem for him, that he’s continually violating the way we do our government."


"JUDY WOODRUFF: And, Mark, what about the — David brought it up.

Speaker Paul Ryan said — essentially gives the president a pass, saying, well, he’s new to Washington, doesn’t know how government works, he’s not a man of government.

MARK SHIELDS: Yes, he’s an enormous child, and we just — we don’t have the same rules for him.

It was less than fatuous. It was dishonest and misleading on the part of the speaker. And you cannot say that. This man has been running for president. He is president. If you have any — he is a graduate of Wharton, although I would like to see the director of admissions at some point come forward and explain his knowledge of American government from his experience at the University of Pennsylvania.

But you can’t use these kind of excuses, Judy."


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10 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

You think he's biased. I think he is truthful.

A better example of partisan rhetoric is Paul Ryan's "he is new to this" comments about the man who firmly said "I alone can fix this."

His friends say he is biased. Think!

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5 hours ago, homersapien said:

Right on schedule, the "normalizers" jump in to defend the indefensible.


I am far from defending Rather. Even his friends state he is biased.

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5 hours ago, homersapien said:

For you to point out the untruths.

There were several and I pointed them out. Did you miss my post? I suggest you read it.

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5 hours ago, homersapien said:

Yeah right.  <_<


So, in your mind, it is my job to defend Trump? Really?

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1 hour ago, AUFAN78 said:

So, in your mind, it is my job to defend Trump? Really?

I have no idea why you constantly defend him.  

I'll give you the benefit of doubt and attribute it to a severe case of denial.

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

I have no idea why you constantly defend him.  

I'll give you the benefit of doubt and attribute it to a severe case of denial.

Your inability to decipher defense of the president from outing partisan rhetoric is noted. 

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1 hour ago, AUFAN78 said:

There were several and I pointed them out. Did you miss my post? I suggest you read it.

I read it.  You attacked Rather.  You didn't dispute anything he said about Trump.

The closest you came was to say the obstruction of justice question has been settled, which is itself untrue.

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Just now, homersapien said:

I read it.  You attacked Rather.  You didn't dispute anything he said about Trump.

The closest you came was to say the obstruction of justice question has been settled, which is itself untrue.

I disputed plenty. Your partisan stance is noted.

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2 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Your inability to decipher defense of the president from outing partisan rhetoric is noted. 

Partisan rhetoric? :rolleyes:   

Apparently you consider the news to be partisan rhetoric.


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