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After Comey’s Testimony, America Needs a Trump Exit Plan


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But whether or not you think that Trump has been treated fairly doesn’t matter. Politics isn’t about facts. It’s about being persuasive. As pollster Frank Luntz says, “It’s not what you say, it’s what they hear,” and if Trump’s critics don’t help to unwind his presidency in a diplomatic way, then what his supporters will hear is a lynch mob coming in skinny jeans and v-neck t-shirts to remove him for one reason: they just don’t like him. Right or wrong, this type of scenario presents its own constitutional crisis. It suggests that the votes of poor white people in the Midwest are worth less than those of coastal elites and country club Republicans, and reeks of a paternalism that is sure to galvanize a new generation of populist outrage.

Here’s how to avoid that situation. You make Trump’s departure about the crimes and not his beliefs. Incompetence, dishonesty, and—if proven—obstruction of justice are impeachable offenses. Having ideas that people in New York and Los Angeles disagree with aren’t. So far, on this count, Democratic leadership has done a good job of separating the man from the politics. Said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), “If you’re talking about impeachment, you’re talking about ‘What are the facts?’ Not ‘I don’t like him, and I don’t like his hair’… What are the rules that may have been violated?”

Second, don’t demonize the people you persuade. Sometimes, politics make titans out of mortals. Names like Lincoln, Churchill, and Caesar are etched in history. But more often, it makes children out of men. As Republicans cross over party lines to criticize Trump, Democrats need to ignore the childish urge to thumb their nose and say, “Hate to say I told you so.” Persuasion needs to be rewarded, or else it will fail.

Third, don’t fault the people who tried to make this administration work. The United States in 2017 isn’t Vichy France. Citizens aren’t being rounded up, deprived of their rights, or sent to death camps by the trainload. The people who have tried to faithfully execute their offices, whether in the administration or on Capitol Hill, should not be treated like Nazi collaborators. Vote against them if you like, but don’t impugn their character. For advice on this, Democrats need to look no further than the departing wisdom of President Barack Obama, whose last weeks in office were dominated by a plea for fellow Democrats to give Trump a chance.

Lastly, Republicans need to fight their emotions too. With Mike Pence waiting on the bench, Trump is no longer essential. Credit to the president for closing the deal of a lifetime by winning the White House, but experience is showing that someone else needs to take over before he runs this company into the ground.

There is nothing glorious about watching a president fail. But with collapse looking more likely, serious leaders need to let up on the attacks and begin to invest in healing the divide that Trump’s implosion might leave behind. The focus should be on winning the peace and not on broadening the war.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) warned on the Senate floor that, “Concerns about our national security, the rule of law, and the independence of our nation’s highest law enforcement agencies are mounting. The country is being tested in unprecedented ways.” He was absolutely right, but with one correction: Trump isn’t the only one testing the fabric of democracy. His critics are, too.


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"Lastly, Republicans need to fight their emotions too. With Mike Pence waiting on the bench, Trump is no longer essential. Credit to the president for closing the deal of a lifetime by winning the White House, but experience is showing that someone else needs to take over before he runs this company into the ground."


Wait a minute...you mean that if the Dems manage to run off Trump that Hillary won't become presidentWhat's the purpose then?  :dunno:  Pence has the same philosophy as Trump...and if anything is more of a social conservative.  

Maybe that's why some conservative Reps are after Trump...thinking that will have Pence who is more of their kind of guy ?. 

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59 minutes ago, AU64 said:

"Lastly, Republicans need to fight their emotions too. With Mike Pence waiting on the bench, Trump is no longer essential. Credit to the president for closing the deal of a lifetime by winning the White House, but experience is showing that someone else needs to take over before he runs this company into the ground."


Wait a minute...you mean that if the Dems manage to run off Trump that Hillary won't become presidentWhat's the purpose then?  :dunno:  Pence has the same philosophy as Trump...and if anything is more of a social conservative.  

Maybe that's why some conservative Reps are after Trump...thinking that will have Pence who is more of their kind of guy ?. 

The purpose is to get a hopeless, incompentent, narcissictic psychopath out of the office.

It's not that complicated.  :-\

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9 minutes ago, homersapien said:

The purpose is to get a hopeless, incompentent, narcissictic psychopath out of the office.

It's not that complicated.  :-\

Or a leisure suit out of a Tuxedo gala. Why do you think America elected the leisure suit Homie? Certainly not in favor of status quo 

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12 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Or a leisure suit out of a Tuxedo gala. Why do you think America elected the leisure suit Homie? Certainly not in favor of status quo 


Are you talking about the majority of Americans?

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21 minutes ago, homersapien said:

And what is it about "status quo" that Trump is changing?

Never said he was Homer. I asked why was elected by the American voter. 

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11 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Never said he was Homer. I asked why was elected by the American voter. 

Again, he was not elected by a majority of the "American voter".

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7 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Again, he was not elected by a majority of the "American voter".

I never said "majority" You ok tonight Homie? Or is this below normal temperature, low humidity, no tropical disturbance getting to you. ^-^

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c'mon cry baby...give it up. Trump won the election...might as well accept that fact.  

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11 minutes ago, AU64 said:

c'mon cry baby...give it up. Trump won the election...might as well accept that fact.  

They will "never give it up", Pretty clear after today that President Trump will continue as our President for the next 8 years.

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55 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Again, he was not elected by a majority of the "American voter".

Reminds me of a baseball team that lost a best of 7 series, but claimed they actually scored more runs overall. Uh it doesn't work like that. Crazy talk. :ucrazy:

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5 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Reminds me of a baseball team that lost a best of 7 series, but claimed they actually scored more runs overall. Uh it doesn't work like that. Crazy talk. :ucrazy:


I didn't say he didn't win the election. I said he doesn't represent the "American people".

Even Trump realizes that. Or haven't you noticed?

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

he was not elected by a majority of the "American voter".

BS you say? :-\

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JMO but if Trump were gone in some manner that did not traumatize the American people, I'd be good with Pence as his replacement.   But it's hard to see any situation other than his death or some very serious health thing that would not leave the country even more polarized that it is....if possible.

No criminal act disclosed about Trump....a few about Comey himself and maybe one or two cases of political interference by Lynch however...and mostly what was revealed is that Comey is a sanctimonious but spineless guy who should have been fired on Day 1....or perhaps never even had the job.

Comey saving selective "notes" about his meetings .....sounded like a wanna be J. Edgar Hoover or something.  Still waiting to hear about his notes from meetings with Lynch when she told him how to run the Clinton "matter" and why he did not leak that to his friends at NYT...

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10 hours ago, homersapien said:

Again, he was not elected by a majority of the "American voter".

Neither was Bill Clinton-twice. The majority of American voters voted against Bill Clinton but he easily won the electoral college.

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48 minutes ago, AU64 said:

JMO but if Trump were gone in some manner that did not traumatize the American people, I'd be good with Pence as his replacement.   But it's hard to see any situation other than his death or some very serious health thing that would not leave the country even more polarized that it is....if possible.

No criminal act disclosed about Trump....a few about Comey himself and maybe one or two cases of political interference by Lynch however...and mostly what was revealed is that Comey is a sanctimonious but spineless guy who should have been fired on Day 1....or perhaps never even had the job.

Comey saving selective "notes" about his meetings .....sounded like a wanna be J. Edgar Hoover or something.  Still waiting to hear about his notes from meetings with Lynch when she told him how to run the Clinton "matter" and why he did not leak that to his friends at NYT...

Yeah, Comey's the bad guy here.:-\

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How come Hillary's lawyers get to go through her emails and only give the FBI the selected ones? The rest just disappeared. That sounds more like Watergate to me.

Then why did the FBI never take possession of the DNC servers to investigate them being compromised by anyone including the Russians. Why did they take the word of the firm that did the work on the servers?

I also like really late in the game we find out the former AG asked Comey not to call it an investigation. She also has private meeting with Bill.

Never heard that before. What no leaks? Sounds more like obstruction to me!



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41 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Yeah, Comey's the bad guy here.:-\

Well Brother Tex....... call a spade a spade


Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication...and WOW, Comey is a leaker!


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16 hours ago, 80Tiger said:

Neither was Bill Clinton-twice. The majority of American voters voted against Bill Clinton but he easily won the electoral college.

Bill Clinton won a plurality in both elections.  That means he got more votes rhan any other candidate. 

Trump on the other hand, lost the popular vote.


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12 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

BS you say? :-\

Yes I do.  He was not elected by a majority of American voters and his popularity has declined even further.

Simple facts.

In no way does he represent "the American people".  He represents maybe 20% of the people - the certified wing nuts.  He's an embarrassment to the rest of us.

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2 hours ago, WDavE said:

How come Hillary's lawyers get to go through her emails and only give the FBI the selected ones? The rest just disappeared. That sounds more like Watergate to me.

Then why did the FBI never take possession of the DNC servers to investigate them being compromised by anyone including the Russians. Why did they take the word of the firm that did the work on the servers?

I also like really late in the game we find out the former AG asked Comey not to call it an investigation. She also has private meeting with Bill.

Never heard that before. What no leaks? Sounds more like obstruction to me!

Wrong thread.  This one is about Trump.  Check the title.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Bill Clinton won a plurality in both elections.  That means he got more than votes any other candidate. 

Trump on the other hand, lost the popular vote.


Your statement was that Trump was not elected by the majority of the Americans. The same holds true for Bill Clinton. He was not elected by the majority of Americans. Twice. More people voted against him than for him. He had no mandate from the majority of Americans. That means the majority of American people did not give him authority to carry out his policies or actions.

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8 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Yeah, Comey's the bad guy here.:-\

Weak maybe. Even likely. Butthurt? Likely. Bad guy? IDK. Maybe. I'm thinking Lynch is the one most resembling a "bad guy" in this Matter.

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