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Auburn Class Rings


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I've been gone 10 years and I never got a class ring.  I was searcing on the internet tonight for fun and found that Josten's and Balfour's won't let you build one online instead you have to call a rep.  I tried some other websites and you could build a really generic ring with a generic Tiger, no Greek letters offered, and stupid looking Generic emblems for Business etc.  I also read on a site that many colleges limit only a couple of companies to do their rings and require you to be in your junior year or I guess prove that you are an alumni.  If I did buy a ring I think Silver would fit me price wise and I like the silver styling. I can't wear it to work for safety reasons, so I'd be limited to wearing it to social functions etc.  The price of gold is outragous.  A silver ring was like 550 and a 10K was over 1200.  I was curious to what other posters did if they have an Auburn College Ring.

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yes, the University will not allow anyone other than Balfour make the Auburn ring (although, Jostens is making some championship rings). I bought my class ring way back in the stone age (1979) and back then you could get a ring from many different places (Wares, J&M, Anders etc), I got mine from Wares and it was made by Herff Jones. I looked around at the different ring styles and I liked the looks of the Herff Jones ring the best and so I purchased it. My son is graduating this weekend and when he ask about ordering a ring, I took him to Wares and found out the information about AU not allowing anyone except Balfour to make the ring.

I then contacted Auburn because Balfour only gives you 1 choice and so it is take it or leave it.  It just doesn't seem right that Balfour gets have the monopoly on the the AU class ring. Auburn SGA president wrote me back, and gave the the "company answer" for only having 1 maker of the ring, they wanted everyone who graduated from Auburn to have the same ring, no matter when you graduated your ring will be the same. And he also told me that since they had limited the ring sales to Balfour, the ring sales had gone up. Duh! No competition....thus Balfour's sales went up....and you thought it was a free country! With trade-marks Auburn can dictate who you buy the ring from and its just not right!

My ring has my graduating year and the pharmacy emblem on one side, and my degree and Samford Hall on the other side, and I am very proud of my ring and still wear it every day. What I don't like about the Balfour ring is it does NOT have the graduating year, your degree, or anything specialized on it. All rings are the same, they tell you that you can have it specialized by having the INSIDE engraved with your degree and year (but no one will see that unless you take it off)...of course my son wanted a ring and so we had to purchase the Balfour ring, and of course anything with the interlocking AU will look good, its just too bad you are not allowed to personalize your ring. (and this makes it easier for Balfour, they never have to change the mold...) And now I wonder if my lifetime warranty is still any good on my Herff Jones ring??    Sorry I rambled on, it just hit a nerve....you should be allowed to choose!

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  • 6 years later...

I just ran across this thread.  I lost my class ring and was looking at the Balfour "ring" online.  I would like to replace mine, but want "mine" not this singular version that Balfour shows on their website.  Anyone got any info if the "rules" have changed, before I start doing unproductive research.  If the Balfour option is the only option, then I guess I will have to pass.  I never liked having a stone, just having the interlocked AU in the gold on top with the customization - frat, civil engineering, etc.

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4 hours ago, mustache eagle said:

I just ran across this thread.  I lost my class ring and was looking at the Balfour "ring" online.  I would like to replace mine, but want "mine" not this singular version that Balfour shows on their website.  Anyone got any info if the "rules" have changed, before I start doing unproductive research.  If the Balfour option is the only option, then I guess I will have to pass.  I never liked having a stone, just having the interlocked AU in the gold on top with the customization - frat, civil engineering, etc.

I graduated in 2010 and I didn't have any option to make changes to the design.  All we were allowed to do was choose the material, add an engraving on the inside, and decide whether or not we wanted to the bottom of the band textured to hide scratches better.  The women's ring came in two styles, one that looked like a smaller version of the men's and one that was a totally different design.

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