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Rivals Recruiting

For civil discussion of rival recruiting news

Board Rules

A real family of folks post here. Older Folks, Younger Folks, Kids, Ladies, Gentlemen, Fans, Friends, Alumni, Players, Coaches, and even Rival Fans too. We ask that you remember these simple rules for happiness of The Entire AUFAMILY.  

1) No Cursing, Overly Crude Language or Hate Speech. We encourage good debate more than most here. We do not ban, hardly if at all. But because we respect your right to free speech, we will deny your use of abusive speech. AUFAMILY is a community that is open to all points of view. Just be civil in your discourse.

2) No Nudity, Near Nudity or Suggestive Images (or links to same). We made an agreement between all the porn sites on the web and AUFAMILY. They dont do AU athletics, etc., and we don't do porn. Ladies and kids again.

3) Watch the name-calling. Grow up and act like adults. Now, we're not going to hammer every time a name gets tossed out, but if threads get derailed by the personal bickering or if you get into a groove of insulting rather than discussing things, we'll step in and tell you knock it off.

4) Leave Recruits and Players Alone. They are 18-22 year old kids. If they sometime act like kids, hey, that's what they do. If they have an off day, give them some grace. Saying that "the WRs underperformed" or "Joe Smith had a bad game" is very different from saying "Joe Smith sucks!"

5) No "unsubstantiated" rumors.  Rule of thumb, if you dont have a link for it, don't post it. Keeps the goofy stuff to a minimum. In some cases we may make an exception on what's considered a legit source. Just don't hallucinate new rumors. We are not Tider Insider.

6) When referring to an article, give us a link, ALWAYS! If there is no link, then give us bibliography type info, as in author, article name, magazine-book title, etc. We understand that there might not be an Internet link for Callier's December 1941.

7) Do not post info from AU Premium Sites.  We are all friends here in the AUFAMILY. We respect their sites and we have pretty good relations with other sites' admins too. Do not make us look like a dimestore version by ripping their efforts off. We are a free site. We are supported by sponsors and donations. We know we cannot at present compete with the total insider information/recruiting business plan. We specialize in hard info and humor. It's what we do.

😎 Any and all calls by the Mods will be upheld by the Admins. The mods here have been here for quite a while. There are some new ones but they have been added after a pretty careful review. We implicitly trust the mods decisions. We cannot nor do we want to be involved with all calls as to the rules, class and civility. We back them 100%. Our mods cover all the forums. The admins cannot and will not waste time doing so. Therefore, they rule.

  • 8a) Do not start threads to complain about moderating decisions. Usually, if we delete a thread or post and don't explain on the thread, we'll PM you about it to explain the reasoning. Posts that only serve to whine and question mod decisions will be deleted on sight. Repeatedly breaking this rule may result in suspension or banning. If you want more explanation, PM the moderators, DO NOT spam the boards with your rantings.
  • 8b) Do not repost anything a moderator has edited or deleted. Again, if we delete/edit a thread or post and don't explain on the thread, we'll PM you about it to explain the reasoning. If the moderator removes something, it stays removed, period. If you disagree, PM the moderator in question or the admins. Ignoring this rule may result in an extended vacation.

9) We will leave those that have passed on before us alone. If it is out of respect for family, friends or just common decency, we will refrain from slams below the belt. We here at AUFAMILY are above that. Our rival posters here are above it as well, or will be gone. If you want to talk ill of Bear, Shug, etc. go to another board where you can join in on the local slamfest. You get a free place to express yourself as you want to be heard. Your voice will be protected as much as the next person. We have several forums here and we encourage civil rivals to join in.

10) Do not register or post under more than one name. Not only is it disingenuous and annoying, it's a pain for the admins. This is a bannable offense.

11) Do not post regarding your personal or commercial venture without approval from the Admins. Likewise, do not embed links in your posts or signature for your personal or commercial websites. Doing this without approval is considered SPAM and will be deleted.

12) New members are restricted from creating topics. Users are encouraged to contribute to AUFAMILY, however a member must have 50 posts before they are allowed to start a new topic (note: any registered member can reply to an existing topic regardless of post count). The purpose of this is twofold: It reduces the number of topics on the same subject posted by new users who haven't accustomed themselves to the message boards yet and also it reduces spamming and drive-by posters.

13) Posting personal information (real-life names, locations, photos, work place, etc.) of other members without their express and explicit permission to you specifically is prohibited.  This will result in a temporary suspension or possibly a permanent ban from the site, up to the discretion of the Administrators.  There is a reason we allow people to make screen names.  Just because you know who someone is in real life, or you're able to link them to a Facebook or Twitter account doesn't mean you're free to post or reference that information on the forums.

14) Above all, act like you have some sense. Any member who, through a persistent pattern of behavior has shown themselves to be mainly interested in pushing the boundaries, causing disputes or otherwise posting things that consistently require Mod/Admin intervention is subject to being suspended or banned. We have Moderators here, not babysitters. At some point, a person just wears out their welcome. This is a 'last resort' measure and does not require the member to have specifically broken other rules of the board. Some are experts at skirting the 'letter of the law' while still causing headaches and making other people miserable and will be dealt with at the discretion of the Mod/Admin staff.


1) Do not post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have acquired the right to through contact with the copyright holder. Note: Commonly circulated AU photos may be posted as long as you give the copyright holder the appropriate credit.

2) No posting of pornography or images that contain nudity, near nudity (or links to same) in the gallery. In other words, no "babe galleries." Images portraying graphic violence are also not permitted. This is a family and young people friendly site so the same rules that have historically applied to images on the forums apply here. The AUFAMILY admin staff and moderators will be the sole judge of what is acceptable and what is not.

3) Any material AUFAMILY members produce on this site becomes property of AUFAMILY and is for your personal use only. This material may not be sold, bundled with products, or otherwise distributed without the prior consent of the AUF staff.

4) We encourage you to tell others about AUFAMILY and link them to our site. However, hotlinking to downloadable objects on this site is expressly forbidden without prior consent.

5) The AUFAMILY Admins reserve the right to delete any image and/or revoke your media posting privileges without having to provide a reason however, in most cases we will try to notify you of the rules violation.

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  1. bama QB commit

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  2. Christian LeMay

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  3. Keenan Allen

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  4. Dre Kirkpatricks Hat 1 2

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  5. Raymond Cotton

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  6. Bama Loses two

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